Bigelow Range Trailhead?

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Sep 4, 2003
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MA. Avatar: Pat,Audrey,& Leo on N Moat
Wanting to climb Cranberry Peak last week, Pat and I were unable to find the trailhead in Stratton. The green hiker sign was missing, and we bumped up against gates barring the way.

What's the story? My apologies if this has already been covered in the forums.
There is a sign, but it is very small, it is a little confusing at the start of the road. There is a large parking area at the trailhead.
If you take the right, after the ballfield on the left when you are heading north on 27, that is the correct road. It is directly on the corner of the restaurant, i believe it is called "Mainely Yours". Go down the road a hundred feet or so and there is a water pump station or something along those lines surrounded by a chain link fence. The trail starts directly behind there. The fence in the road that you were talking about may have been blocking you from going into the paper mill area.
<--- my avatar

Good memory Spencer. I did shoot it at the Eustis Gathering, but my avatar was actually shot at the AT crossing on Long Falls Dam Road, where I went to snorkel with a loon and leave a note for Tramper Al.

I agree with King Tut's directions. You walk on a muddy ATV route around the chain-link enclosure for the powerline equipment for maybe 0.4 miles, then diverge off onto an orange-signed hiking trail.