Bike rider collides with Bear!

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Wow, I bet he had a cool story to tell to the school he was going to!

I've ran into a groundhog once on my commute and almost t-boned a deer in Maine when I was up there....

Bet he's thanking his lucky stars it wasn't the other resident bruin in MT that he bowled over. :eek: :D
This is why all bikers must wear helmet cam's when they ride. With audio. I would have loved to hear what he said as well as seen it. :D

Glad everyones OK.

sure beats hitting a mini van!

sure beats hitting (getting hit) by a mini van like i did a few weeks ago!!

for some odd reason i have been seeing so many moles on the bike path here in town, so far only hit one! there are a few dead ones splattered about though. is it mole season or something?
mookie said:
for some odd reason i have been seeing so many moles on the bike path here in town, so far only hit one! there are a few dead ones splattered about though. is it mole season or something?
A lot of seeds and such are going to the ground now, and with the weather starting to turn cold it's time to pack up the dens!
mookie said:
anyone need any moleskin for blisters? i know where to find it!!
im talking the good stuff here!
Maybe you should skin'em and tan them then hang'em on your bike as a warning to the other moles like notches on a war hammer!

Hope we aren't drifting away from this very serious topic of cruelty to bears while biking, sorry Tom! :D

I wasn't on a bike but I came moving around a blind corner once near Colden dam at about dusk and almost ran over a black bear! We just stared at each other for a moment and he took off, I noticed he had a radio collar on though and that he was on the large adult size. I then proceeded to dry my pants and then hike out, in the soon dark woods with the image of this bear in my face the whole way out. And it was one of those windy fall nights with the leaves rustling all around constantly. Did I mention it was dark out? :D