binoculars/spotting scope

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Apr 29, 2005
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Canterbury, NH

Does anyone own a good quality pair of binoculars or perhaps a spotting scope that you use and would recommend? I'd be using it for the usual things - summit views, wildlife spotting, etc.

I bought a pair of Meade Kestrel binocs last year and have been very happy with them. They seem to be of high quality and have held up well. The coolest feature is the near focus of around 4 feet. I've never had a pair that allowed you to focus on objects so close to you. Check 'em out!
I have a Kowa spotting scope that I like alot. I've carried it up to the summits but mostly I use it on open terrain.
Searching for Bald eagles, Watching Caribou, Moose, Whales things like that.

For birding I have a pair of Lieca 8x40's that I like but they are heavy and I find that I don't carry them esp in the mnts as much as I used to.

I'm sure they make lighter versions of them by now.

Zeiss is always a good name and were know to be light weight.
Nikon also comes to mind.
Alot depends on what your budget is. But these days I would definetly try for light weight optics. I think your much more apt to carry them the lighter they are.
I have a lightweight pair of 7x20 Nikon binoculars which are fine in everything except low light. Anything larger is too heavy to carry when hiking. (Larger objectives add weight and size but only help you in dim light.)

I also have an even lighter-weight monocular. Good enough for occasional use and even lighter.

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I have a pair of lightweight Nikons called Travelite V - they're 9x25's. Light enough to carry in your pack, and not too $$. Got them one year with my REI dividend...
I also like a monocular. I have trouble with binoculars because I always see two images. I end up closing one eye, so I like monoculars instead.

happy trails :)
forestgnome said:
I have trouble with binoculars because I always see two images.
The alignment between the two sides of a binocular is pretty critical. Poor alignment is one possible cause of the the double images.

A good shop can align them for you. (Some poorly made units are basically hopeless.)
