Birthday Bash @ Barnes! -- 7/13-15

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Double Bow

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Apr 29, 2005
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Ashuelot, NH (anyone know where that is?) Avatar:
Hey All,

Shamie asked me what I wanted to do for my 30th birthday and I told her
that I want to have a big camping weekend at Barnes Field with a bunch
of my hiking friends. So, sho 'nuff, a site has been booked and we're
gonna do it up the weekend of 7/13-15.

We're asking that people bring some food for a potluck and some wood to
keep the party rockin'. Nothing beats a good fire! We're also asking
that people chip in $5 a piece to cover the cost of the site and stuff.

Not sure what I'll be hiking yet but more on that later. If you think you can make it, send me an email as space is limited. Don't worry if I don't get back to you for a lil' bit. I'm gonna be on the left coast 6/22-7/1.

Hope ya' can make it!!

I have some Habitat house building to do in Manch the afternoon of the 14th, but can probably make it up that night (since I probably would've been going on a dayhike on the 15th anyway). I will likely bring the legendary chicken kabobs.
Very cool! Look forward to seeing you there.

We still have some room if anyone else is interested in joining us in kicking back a few around the fire and swaping stories. Send me an email if you're interested in camping with us or just stopping by. The more the merrier! :)

BTW, we plan to get in some hiking too. It's not just "all play and no work"... oh, wait a minute, for this weekend, it is!! :D