Blackfly repellent! fact or fiction?

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Sep 4, 2003
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"B-Town" Bethlehem NH
Ok any myth busters out there? I have been told that using a dryer sheet on the top of a backpack will keep the bugs away. Personally I have never tried it. Has anyone ever heard of this or tried this? I have done strange things in my life but this just seems a bit far fetched.
bandana4me said:
Ok any myth busters out there? I have been told that using a dryer sheet on the top of a backpack will keep the bugs away. Personally I have never tried it. Has anyone ever heard of this or tried this? I have done strange things in my life but this just seems a bit far fetched.
The black flies will be very happy.

I don't know whether it works or not either, but I've seen lots of people who tie one on their pack strap near their chest.
friend of mine once said that blackflies will always go after the high point. to demonstrate this during a hike, he put his hand up..and they swarmed around his hand. he said the purpose of this was to show that people should wear a baseball cap during black fly season, and spray it with bug spray, and they would stay away. it sounded clever and seemed to work that day. I don't know if this was a one time working of an urban legend or what, but it seemed to be true that day.
I believe there is some truth to the idea that blackflies will go to the highest point, but it only works in a limited fashion. When I worked on trail crew, we would occasionally cover our hardhats with bar oil and by the end of the day it was covered with blackflies that had gotten stuck. Not a pretty sight, but we were engaged in a war. :)

But it never stopped us from getting bit, but it felt good at the end of the day to see how many we took down with us. The only thing that really worked was long sleeve shirts and long pants.
hikerfast said:
friend of mine once said that blackflies will always go after the high point. to demonstrate this during a hike, he put his hand up..and they swarmed around his hand.
This is true. One can practice effective "black fly transfer" by utilizing this fact with a "friend". At your campsite, when you have just about had all you can take of the annoying swarm about your head, you might point out a distant view, or maybe an eagle high in the distance. The point it to get your friend to stand up tall if he is not already. Slide on over close to him, taking care to remain at a lower level maybe in a depression, or crouch low if you have to. Within a few seconds of idle conversation, all of your black flies will become his as you stealthily slink away! :D Note, this only works for a minute or two before you again become a target. Hopefully there is another nearby friend standing tall.

Even more noticable when carrying a canoe is this effect with deer flies. I had worried that my head inside an overturned canoe on a carry would be an easy lunch. Not so... they go to the highest point which is on top of the canoe on the outside. I can hear them slamming their bodies against the bottom of the canoe while my head inside is generally safe. :cool:
Nessmuk said:
Even more noticable when carrying a canoe is this effect with deer flies. I had worried that my head inside an overturned canoe on a carry would be an easy lunch. Not so... they go to the highest point which is on top of the canoe on the outside. I can hear them slamming their bodies against the bottom of the canoe while my head inside is generally safe. :cool:

We call that our elongated backwoods multipurpose hardhat :D
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