Blackhead Range 10/8&9

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Jan 8, 2004
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Hi all... a couple of quick questions. I am thinking of heading up to hike the Blackhead Range this weekend. My thoughts are:

Plan A... Batavia Kill Trail to Escarpment, west to Blackhead Mtn then over to Blackdome and Thomas Cole. then retrace back to Big Hollow Rd via the Black Dome Trail.

Plan B... Black Dome trail to, well Black Dome and Thomas Cole, back track to Blackhead, Escarpment down Batavia to return at Big Hollow Rd.

Thoughts? Doing this as a planned solo, so trying to spot a car, and do the whole Black Dome to Escarpment is not the idea. Either way will require some amount of back tracking or a nice hike along the back roads of Greene County. Also in reading some reports here recently, the water situation is not great, is there water near the Batavla Kill lean-to? How busy does the Batavia Kill lean-to get? I was thinking about staying the night there after hiing all day.

Plan A is a little more rigorous. The last section up Blackhead is very steep, but it is a lot of fun. This is my favorite approach. But, if you find steep descents difficult plan B may be tougher. Plan C could be to avoid the escarpment altogether and simply ascend and decend on the Blackdome range trail. Have fun, this is one of the Catskills best!
We did plan A in July. It is a great hike. I love the climb up Blackhead via the escarpment trail. I have also descended it in the winter when it was a frozen waterfall, still a lot of fun.

Back then, the only water source we saw was the creek at the junction of the blackdome trail and bataviakill trail, it was flowing strongly. However, we didn't look for water at the leanto since that was near the beginning of the hike. We were disappointed that the spring pipe on the blackdome trail was only dripping on our descent when we were out of water.

Have fun,
I would go with your plan A. I always prefer steep climbs rather than steep descents. Also by doing Blackhead first you will have the morning light for the view of Black Dome (on the way down from Blackhead), and the afternoon light for the view of Blackhead (on the way down from Black Dome).

The last significant rain in the northern Catskills was Monday, Sept 26, 0.4" in Maplecrest. When I hiked TC and Black Dome on Sept 28 the ground was already bone dry. Batavia Kill was not on my route so I don't know how much water was at the lean-to. The front on Thursday, Sept 29, went through with mostly wind and not much rain, so I suspect the Blackheads are still very dry.

The foliage in Lockwood Gap was starting to get some bright reds on Sept 28. I suspect it will still be a little before peak this weekend, but it will probably be the optimal weekend in the Blackhead Range. The Catskill foliage is about one week behind normal, but not as far behind as the Adirondacks.
Both are nice, plan A is my favorite,winter the best. I was in Big hlw. working today, the colors, although more of a pastel than watercolor, are beginning to stand out. If the rains don't get them thursday and friday, they should be about peak this weekend. The lean-to always looks to be porky infested to me, so be prepared for a night of gnawing and chomping.
Absolutely be prepared for mass porcupine frontal assault when staying at Batavia Kill Leanto. It is practically their basecamp and you are seen as intruders to their realm. :)

There is usually water in a stream that flows by the leanto but I have no idea if there is still water there. However, it is not that far from the road so if you are parked at Big Hollow, either if that means anything or if you run out.

A few years ago I think it was B I did after completing Hunter and Slide ealry in the day.

Nice easy walk
I hiked by the Batavia lean-to today. The lean-to is clean and in good shape, although showing much porcupine gnawing. There is no water at or above the lean-to. There are some shallow standing pools of water in the stream about 0.3 mile below the lean-to which perhaps could be filtered. The water situation might improve with the forecasted several days of rain. The foliage in the Blackheads appears to be about 3-4 days from peak. Hopefully the rains will not bring down too many leaves.
FINALLY Going to get out to hike these peaks

Finally I am going to get out and do the hike, this 'real life' work and home stuff can really put a cramp on your hiking... lol

Anyone been up in the past week or so? What were conditions like, any blowdowns? Ice? I would imagine that the snow that the peaks saw a few weeks backs has melted by now.

Thanks... Hope everyone gets out and hikes this weekend, it's going to be sunny!**

** yeah, yeah, and cold, perfect hiking weather to me! :)
It looks like two of us will be heading up Sunday morning, doing it as a day hike, going from West to East, park at Barnum Rd, do an out and back hike.

If you care to join us, let me know...
good luck with your trip! I really want to hike the Blackheads too and hope to do it sometime very soon. Look forward to reading your trip report.

I have this thread bookmarked. Thanks for everyone who posted information.
Fantastic hike, should be a nice weekend..

For trail conditions:

I wouldn't expect much snow up there, there was only a smattering of snow last week and as far as I think the precip we got yesterday was rain... Trails are wet and stuff but it doesn't appear to be snowy. However, the temps are dropping and days are short. Not sure about icy conditions.

If anyone is interested, I'll be co-leading a hike to the Blackheads during the Catskill 3500 Club's Winter Weekend, 1/28-29/06.

PM me for details.