Blackhead Range, Mar 7th

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Jay H

New member
Sep 8, 2003
Reaction score
Pittsfield, MA
From: snowplow turnaround on Big Hollow Road
To: Barnum Road
Path: In via Batavia Kill leanto over BH->BD->TC
Date: Mar 7th
Group: 13

Followed a good broken trail all the way over to Blackhead, blazes were a few feet above the snowline and the cool morning temps made for easy floatation.
Going down off Blackhead, appears the groups that climbed from Lockwood path broke out a few paths to the summit, some off the trail, some on. In either case, some of us tried to follow the actual path and broke out the path, others chose to follow the broken out path. Either one gets you there!

Blackdome was a bit softer due to the warming afternoon temps but we broke out a good path to the viewpoint from the col. Then all of us broke out a path mostly on, some off the trail over TC and out, clearing a good path over the ridge and over the summit of TC.

Stunning blue sky vistas of the escarpment trail and the Devil's Path were seen all day long... Snow was deep and trailfinding was hard at times but not difficult.

Parking lots at both ends were plowed.
