Blueberry Mtn, Mt. Carr via west spur 4-25-09

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Date of Hike: 4-25-09

Trail Conditions: Dry with muddy sections. Completely snow and ice free.

Special Equipment Required: None.

Comments: The west spur of the Carr Mtn. trail is no longer maintained and overgrown. I was unable to find my way after about 1.5 mi into the forest. The trail itself is not blazed; although there are many pink tie-offs and paint marks likely from a timber company. Abandoned mid-day and went over to Blueberry.

The gate to Long Pond rd. is still closed, although the road is dry and snow-free. Blueberry itself was quite hot and dry, with some muddy patches in the hardwoods. Fire danger there is pretty high---everything was crispy. A couple blowdowns but none are impassable. Also, someone dropped a deuce on the summit and covered it with toilet paper (thanks, whoever you are)---watch out!

Your name: M. Miller

Your E-mail address: [email protected]