blueberry Mtn

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Sep 19, 2003
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clinton, ny "avatar:Bailey"
I am looking to hike blueberry by keene valley sunday. I did this hike 3 years ago and when I got to the summit I expected to see that large rock I had seen on many pictures. How far down towards porter is this rock. It is a long drive for me and I do not want to add 2 hours hiking to see it.
I think there are trail crews working on bringing the erratic closer to the trailhead as we speak. The money was diverted so that people who drive 8+ hours will only be forced to hike for 2-3 hours.

The Blueberry rock is only a relative short distance from what point I believe you are reffering to as the top, just in case the trail crews don't get the job done in time.;)
You leave the open rock and ridge facing Hurricane at 1.8 miles, entering the woods for some ups and downs, and reach the summit boulder at 2.4 miles (according to the ADK trail guide). Total ascent is 2200 feet.