bode miller's book!

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Sep 6, 2003
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prospect hill, somerville, ma
it's good!! way beyond the genre of athlete autobiography. way beyond. i don't know how much he wrote himself but it's hilarious. he's got some choice things to say about the amc too. :D like i say, it's a good 'un!! :)

(maybe this will get him his diploma from high school as i think i remember him sayin' he still owed them a paper on toni morrison. :eek: :eek: )
here's a lil taste. bode on 'whackin':

"You have to bushwhack into an ancient forest to truly appreciate how otherworldly it is. And i don't necessarily mean in the Lord of the Rings sense. There are places where the moose like to shit, tidy beasts that they are, and if you find yourself in the middle of a feild of moose droppings, then you're also likely to be covered in big black buzzing flies.

But you can also come across secret fields of pink and white lady's slippers, or a stash of fiddleheads to be harvested next year at a nice profit. In the shadows there's moss so thick you can bounce on it like it's a trampoline. Or fields of sharp granite rocks as big as tallships, plowed up by that glacier that came through a hundred thousand years ago. You don't see any of this on the Appalachian Mountain Club -approved trail.

In fact, according to the flatlanders and forest fascists of the AMC, you're not supposed to get off the trail at all. The forest the public gets to see isn't much more interesting than a hilly airport terminal, ot the woods in a New Jersey subdivision. North Country people are proudly provincial, and they consider anything south of the notches as greater Massachusetts. This land is our land."

nice, huh. sounds like he's got the amc's number!! :D it gets better even!! :) :D :D :D

great book!!!
I was not aware he had a book out. I just took a look and it looks like it just came out. I'll have to give it a read. I love to watch him race in the slalom races, crash and burn! I hope to get in some skiing myself this weekend, hopefully the 'loaf will be open.
bruno said:
Or fields of sharp granite rocks as big as tallships, plowed up by that glacier that came through a hundred thousand years ago. You don't see any of this on the Appalachian Mountain Club -approved trail.

Sounds like Bode should stick to skiing. First of all, what is an AMC approved trail? Second...if Bode is looking for interesting scenery on an AMC trail he may want to start near his former backyard on the Kinsman Ridge Tr. Or across the road to Greenleaf, OBP, Franconia Ridge, or Flume Slide. Hell, has he ever done Castle, Airline, Osgood, Madison Gulf, etc., etc.? A bit more than a hilly airport terminal ay?

Also, the Bodester may want to realign his provincial geography. Anything below Berlin is now more Mass-like. ;)
i think ol' bode is just bein' bode. ya know--the rebel and all!! playin' around a bit. (though he does have a point). the book is great!! lot's o' choice stuff. :D :eek: :) anyway, any pokin' fun at the amc is always welcome, i thought.

and his account of his upbrangin' is great as well! so great that i think it should be sold as a childcare manual as much as a sports memoir. respeck! :)

but in all seriousness, if you want to read a GREAT book, read this one! or put another way, if you want to read a BAD book, DON'T read this one!!! ;)
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