Bondcliff and Unfinished Business

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May 18, 2005
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Orrington, ME
Last year after finishing the 116 (yes, McNaughton counts :) ) , I started thinking about my trek up Bondcliff about 25 years ago. At the time, I had no thoughts of "lists" and had never seen a picture/description of the summit. We had come over from Bond, the cloud/fog was the consistency of pea soup and wandering around above the col I was more worried about going over the cliffs than where the summit might lie.Consequently I decided another trip to Bondcliff might be in order not only for the views I missed, but also to make sure I found the summit.

Trying to find a decent weather day has been a problem and when it looked like there might be a window of clearing on Saturday, I headed over from Orrington, ME on Friday afternoon. Figuring Haystack and Cherry Mtn Rds would be filled, I went over the Kanc and got one of the last spots at Hancock Campground.

This morning, I woke to cool, clear conditions, rolled out of the tent and was on the trail a bit after 5. The Wilderness Trail was a delight; cool, with a bit of low fog, but clear above, no bugs and not another soul. I carried my boots in the pack and walked the first 5 miles in running shoes which I stashed in the woods at the Bondcliff Trail intersection. It seems the railroad ties are less of a problem each year. With all the rain we've had, I decided to go light with just a water filter and single empty bottle-worked very well. The brooks were high, but getting across them was no problem.

I found the trail footing good almost throughout and the grade was nice and steady. As I neared the 2nd brook crossing where I planned to pump water, I heard someone behind me jogging up the trail. I thought I knew who it might be, but not wanting to sound too stupid I just asked "are you on VFTT"? Sure enough it was Artex doing a Pemi-loop. It would have been nice to hike with him a bit, but I needed water and while I was moving fast, he was on a mission and flying.

Someone has recently done some excellent trail work on the Bondcliff Trail between the 3rd and 4th brook crossings-thanks.The "ledge" I've seen mentioned in several reports is not worth worrying about, just a few big steps, easy to navigate even when wet (even when you're 60 ) . I summited around 830 and wandered over the summit and down into the col. The sky was crystal clear with no clouds except a few around the Pressies. It seemed you could almost touch the slides on W Bond. I plunked down on the "picture/avatar rock" to eat and soak in the views for awhile. And yes, I'm sure I stopped just below the summit 25 years ago :eek:

The hike down was a good kind of boring. I saw another Pemi-loop guy from Providence (didn't catch his name). I felt a lot better than expected when back on the Wilderness Trail and perhaps inspired by Artex jogged the last 2 miles to the trailhead. Got out a bit before noon and noticed the haze and clouds had moved in. Then home to Orrington with a detour to George's Pizza in Auburn

Nice hike, excellent trail, super top and a great day to be alive.
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Great meeting you Jim! Glad you had a good hike and were able to get the good views were denied 25 years ago. Definitely a good day to get up in the mountains.
Where is McNaughton Peak?

My understanding was that the ADK wasn't playing the "constantly-changing list" game that we have with the New England peaks. Is there now a New England 68 list?
--it's not on any official list that i know of , but McNaughton is an Adk 4000 footer ("trailless") whereas 4? peaks on the official 46er list are not- Blake, Cliff, Nye, Couchsachraga (only a bit over 3800) --- you can access from Adk Loj/Indian Pass/Scot Pond/Wallface Pond/bushwack (at least it was a bushwack around 1982 :) )-- did it years ago when i was foolish enough to be working on the Adk highest 100 (a pretty crazy list)