Active member
Date of Hike: Nov 21, 2009
Trail Conditions: Wilderness a bit muddy with two chest-high blowdowns. Lower portion on Boncliff had quite a few muddy spots including a few that made me glad I had my gaiters.
Special Equipment Required: Poles a the top for stability
Comments: Was planning to cover all three Bonds but when I got literally knocked down by the wind on Bondcliff I decided another trip would be more practical.
Trail Conditions: Wilderness a bit muddy with two chest-high blowdowns. Lower portion on Boncliff had quite a few muddy spots including a few that made me glad I had my gaiters.
Special Equipment Required: Poles a the top for stability
Comments: Was planning to cover all three Bonds but when I got literally knocked down by the wind on Bondcliff I decided another trip would be more practical.