Bonds during the week on 6/19

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Oct 24, 2004
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This post is definitely a STRETCH. I have the upcoming week off on short notice. Anybody else have time off during the week that wants to join for a Bonds adventure on Tuesday 6/19? I'm planning a out and back from the Kanc but if I can find an interested soul I will do one of the many variations on a traverse. If you're interested PM me or send an email.

I mean, there's always something feckin' cool like going up via. Hellgate Ravine to West Bond and then over to Bond and Bondcliff and out the normal way. I'd consider something like that. I just might not show up to work on Tuesday. So there's a chance that I'd be into this.

Going in via. Hellgate Ravine actually cuts down on the mileage, I think. Going up slides is cool too. I could go up any day except Monday.

-Dr. Wu
Vacation as well

I have this week off as well, i'm doing a presi traverse / out and back on Monday. So depending how i feel i might give it a go. Pm me for contact details.

If interested in my presi hike i'm starting at Webster Cliff hitting all the summits except Jefferson, then on to Adams and Madison then back over Jefferson to caps ridge, could either car spot there if interested else i'll be headed back to
my car.

Later in the week on the 22 or 23 i'll be doing a pemi loop which might be modified to include galehead zealand and west bond, as a day hike.

dr_wu002 said:
Hellgate Ravine to West Bond and then over to Bond and Bondcliff and out the normal way.
-Dr. Wu

Sorry Dr. Wu, I would rather hold out on that option for snowshoe season, I prefer whackfests during snow, not when it is in the 80s.

I will be at Wilderness trailhead between 7 and 7:30, departing shortly thereafter. Hope to see some folks there.

una_dogger said:
Damn! I working M-F this week, I've been wanting the Bonds for some time now............. :rolleyes:

Call in sick! I hear that there's a nasty case of the June Bubonic Plague going around ;)
Ha ha...well, considering the hike is tommorrow, and I just left work a couple of hours ago, I don't think anyone will buy it if I show up with a relaxed look and hiker tan on wednesday, and try to convince my boss I've had the 24-hr plague!

Have a GREAT time, though!