Bonds Traverse, 12/19/2009

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Well-known member
Jul 18, 2005
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Nashua, NH
We’re planning to hike a north-south Bonds Traverse on Saturday, December 19. We’re looking at an early start, late finish, and a great day hiking The Bonds in between.

The forecast for the day currently looks pretty good for the planned hike.

The hike will require an early start with headlights on each end.

Our pace is moderate, which is usually around book time. With the current conditions we expect the hike to run ~25% over book time.

Our plan is to meet at Lincoln Woods, consolidate gear, spot a getaway car, and head to Zealand Road for the start (winter trailhead on Route 302).

If you’re interested in joining the fun or want additional details; please respond to this thread or by PM.

Might meet you Saturday afternoon/evening since MEB and I are doing the Bonds traverse starting from lincoln Woods. We might miss you though since we are tagging Owl's Head on the way to the Bonds. Hoping to start 2-3pm from Lincoln Woods.....late start since we are doing Washington (MEB) and Isolation (me) earlier in the day.

Hope to see you on the trail!
Might meet you Saturday afternoon/evening since MEB and I are doing the Bonds traverse starting from lincoln Woods. We might miss you though since we are tagging Owl's Head on the way to the Bonds. Hoping to start 2-3pm from Lincoln Woods.....late start since we are doing Washington (MEB) and Isolation (me) earlier in the day.

Hope to see you on the trail!
Hey Mats,

Hope to see you and MEB. I’ll be watching for a vapor cloud on the horizon as we hike the Bonds. It wouldn’t surprise me if our paths cross on Bondcliff, or between there and the Wilderness Trail. I really wish I could handle a BIG day like the one you two have planned.

We should have a terrific day to enjoy. The latest forecast information I’ve seen seems to suggest we’ll have lots of sun, light wind from the northwest, and a midday temperature of around 20 degrees. If the day plays out this way it should be one of the better “Bonds” days we have had this year (this will be our fifth for the year).

See you on the trail – I’m really looking forward to it!
