Bonds via Hellgate Ravine Saturday, 1/28/06

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Aug 23, 2004
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New Hampshire... Time to go Whackin'
Unlike the past two Saturdays, it appears the weather forecast is going to allow me to bag the Bonds from Hellgate Ravine this weekend. Now if I can just get out of bed on time, unlike three Saturdays ago, I'll be all set. :)

The plan is to depart on the Lincoln-Woods trail no later (hopefully) than 6:00 am. This will mean the bushwhack into Hellgate Ravine will start shorlty after sunrise. We'll climb West Bond first then bag Bond and Bondcliff via the the trails. Return will be either via Bondcliff, Wilderness, and Lincoln-Woods Trails or back out through the ravine (conditions permitting).

Parts of the hike will involve climbing slides, easy to difficult bushwhacking, and numerous brook crossings. The hike will cover about 20 miles and last roughly 12-16 hours.

Those with prior winter bushwhacking experience as well as the necessary mental and physical ability are more than welcome to join me. Group size limited to 6.

Please PM me if you wish to come along or if you have any questions.