Bonds & Zealand via Wilderness Trail et al, 05/22/09

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Jan 29, 2007
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Bondcliff, Mt. Bond, West Bond, Guyot, Zealand Mountain via Lincoln Woods Trail, Wilderness Trail, Bondcliff Trail, West Bond Spur, Twinway, Zealand Trail

Date of Hike: Friday, May 22, 2009

Trail Conditions: Various

Special Equipment Required: None


Lincoln Woods Trail and Wilderness Trail - mostly dry, a few muddy areas. Some blowdowns on Wilderness Trail.

Bondcliff Trail to Bondcliff - water crossings rock hoppable, tiny patches of snow not even really worth mentioning. A few blowdowns.

Bondcliff Trail to Mt. Bond - tiny patches of snow even really worth mentioning. Mostly dry trail.

Bondcliff Trail to West Bond Spur to West Bond - patchy monorail (some still rather deep) on both segments of trail.

Bondcliff Trail to Twinway - patchy monorail in the col, otherwise bare.

Twinway to Zealand Spur to Zealand - plenty of monorail/deep snow (water underneath of course), as well as pooled water and mud. Some blowdowns, all could be done with a hand saw.

Twinway to Zealand Hut - a few patches of snow until hitting the flats near Zeacliff junctions. Otherwise, some mud. Water crossings hoppable.

Zealand Trail - Mostly dry

Snowshoes would have been of no use. Monorail was fairly firm, but still some random acts of postholing to be had.

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