An adventurous day to be up on the ridge! High winds were forecast for the higher summits, but lower elevations were clear and sunny with clouds streaming over the ridge and dissipating in the bottom of the ravines. The Glen Boulder trail was in fine shape all the way up, very few muddy spots. Above the boulder itself winds were 30-40 mph with some higher gusts, zero visibility from just below Slide Peak to Boott Spur, and especially strong winds above 4,500' elevation. No views above 4,000', and clouds rapidly whipping past and rapid icing on me and my pack precluded dawdling at the Spur summit. Descended via Boott Spur trail, which was in relatively good shape until below the Tucks outlook. Then it went to hell. Major mud holes, a general lack of water bars, many lakes in the trail, and the steeper sections were a stream, for the rest of the way down to Pinkham. This is mostly due to the heavy rains of the past month, but redirection of water flows would be helpful. This is a very heavily-used trail and tough to maintain, but it could benefit from some water bar replacement work.