Boston Beer Night/Festivus Celebration

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Active member
Sep 9, 2005
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Boston, MA Avatar: on Owl's Head summit
Is there any interest in a Festivus gathering the week of 12/17? After work in the North Station area? I"m sure we can meet most of the requirements, such as Feats of Strength and the Airing of Grievances. I know of a few places that have the necessary pole..... Who's in?
"Festivus for the rest of us."

Mr. Kruger: "I find your belief system fascinating."

And, why was Kruger invited to the Costanza Festivus?

18th, 19th, or 20th work for me.
Airing of Grievences!? That anything like crying in your beer? I'll watch for the date and hope I can make it.
I was planning on about 5:00 myself, but I would hate for bobby to have to drink alone, so I can certainly move that up a bit. 4:45? 4:30?
I'm going to be tearing it up (hopefully trails and not ACLs) at Loon tomorrow so I'll have to pass. We both hope to make it to the next one post-holidays!
A dinner invite with sewing lesson just came up, so I will need to pass up this Festivus VFTT gathering. But, I will be ready for the next one. The pale ales at Boston Beer Works rule!

Happy holidays to all of you.

Dr. D.

Not to encourage you guys to drink in the afternoon (like I could possibly influence that), but I could possibly get there around 3:45 and stay until about 4:30 if that works for anyone...oldest son's birthday today - probably should not miss that! :)
A fine night for a few drinks. Larry, Sapblatt, Marty and I were in attendance, and for a few hours we were able to put the hustle and bustle of the holiday season aside.

For those who couldn't attend, our wishes for a happy holiday season. :)