Boston Beer Night Friday 1/11....

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Only one day's notice? Not sure I can swing that, especially since I'm already going into work late tomorrow.
MichaelJ said:
Only one day's notice?

Thought it would be better with 1-day notice than same-day :D

One of these days I'll figure out how to post a thread before the idea comes to mind ;)
Mats Roing said:
Thought it would be better with 1-day notice than same-day :D

One of these days I'll figure out how to post a thread before the idea comes to mind ;)

It's OK - it is still a VFTT Boston Beer Night - even if you are alone - just be sure to think about the mountains while drinking! :D
Have fun Mats!
I'm flat-out tomorrow.
Let's do it again next week. We'll fnd something to celebrate by then.

Reminds me of a time, drinking a beer with Arm,on some summit, somwhere.
This guy walks up and says, " Wow! what are you guy's celebrating? "
Without even cracking a smile, Arm replys, " Thursday ". :)
A Thursday on a summit instead of at work certainly seems worth celebrating to me!
Oh shucks, can't do it. We had so much fun at the last one...have a few for us.

MadRiver - Mapquest actually has good directions from the center of town to the North Shore. Pat had to do it and he survived with no sense whatever of where he was.
Can newby's come too? I don't know if I can make it by 5:30, but if you guys are staying later it would be nice to meet everyone.
outdoorls said:
Can newby's come too?

Of course newbies are welcome....always good with fresh meat at these gatherings :D

Also.....also.....5:30 is optimistic for me also.......and I don't expect people to have a beer and head home in 1/2 hour if anyone shows up at 8......there will still be people there for sure :)
I am coming - was on the fence all day on to drive to NH early in the am or not.

Finally decided to many if's about the snow and ice conditions to make it worthwhile.

so....... its party time in Boston :D
The tour ended around 12:30 at Mr. Dooley's after a sidetrip to "The Place" after spending a couple of hours at Ned Devine's initially. At "The Place" we sat next to a group of Jacksonville fans who just arrived to town.

Hopefully we can all hike a Patriots celebratory peak tomorrow for advancing to the next round...... ;)