Boundary Peak, NV questions now.

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Jay H

New member
Sep 8, 2003
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Pittsfield, MA
Heard it's a rough road to the trailhead, 4WD vehicle is recommended... Is this still true? I have an old book on the 50 state summits (Paul Zumwolt) that seems to date back to 1997 but have read online reports of the similar vintage saying the 11mile road to the trailhead is basically a rough gravel/dirt road and to allow about an hour to get through. Still valid these days?

It is a very rough road, but we were able to drive it in a regular rental car (no 4 wheel drive.) That said, there are lots of ups and downs and it's a very rocky and pothole filled road. We were very worried about getting a flat tire since there was nothing around the area.

I don't remember how long the drive took, but remember it taking longer than we expected. We had intended on camping at the trailhead, but turned around feeling the area was a little too sketchy to stay in overnight... quite a few abandoned cars (with tires and parts missing) were parked along the road.

- Ivy
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Thanks Poison Ivy... I'd rather try to get a sedan anyway for the gas mileage, especially if we decide to just drive to Shasta rather than fly to Portland and then drive south. (Reason it's Portland is because of Mt Hood, after Shasta, otherwise, flying to northern CA would be better). Maybe we can rent a Subaru Legacy sedan, and get a good mix of fuel economy and still AWD.

Maybe throw in a can of Fix-a-Flat! and spare parts... At least we'll have all our camping gear if we do break down, pack some dehydrated meals and stuff...

Hello !

I was about to start a thread like this myself. Anyway, what are your information sources for this climb ? I'm heading there this July...I found a site once with GPS coords for the road and all but I lost the damn link.

Can you hook me up with good infos/links please ? (Sorry I can't help you with your questions besides the fact I'm going with a rented PT Cruiser :eek: )

I have directions in Zumwalts book. It has directions that are given using the odometer (like go 2.4 miles to a 4-way intersection, then 1.3 miles and make a left :eek: Anyway, seems like half the battle is going to be navigating to the dirt road in a very remote part of NV.

I did a google search this morning, one of the links is from

That has a description of the dirt road to get there and a report on the hike itself, seems a lot of boulder scrambling if you get off the main trail.

You may want to consider the alternate route... via Queens Canyon instead. My understanding is that this approach is becoming more common and is easier to follow than the old approach described by Zumwalt. I think I have some information on that route saved at home if you want it, please let me know and I can e-mail it to you. I have not hiked that route, but the information was forwarded to me by another highpointer on this site who I would consider very reliable.

- Ivy
If you can dig the alternate directions, that would be great, thanks. We're in the planning stages now. TMax and Hikethe115 are on this trip to Boundary Peak and TMax has a different book than mine, perhaps it has the hiking route. I'll have to check that out too.

You might PM Dennis C. IIRC he did Boundary within the past couple of years. Haven't done it myself or I'd chime in.
I climbed Boundary via the Queen Mine Route last June, following Dennis C's directions , which were right on the money. :) He gave them to me about 6 months before he posted them.

The only variation was that I parked about a mile short of where you could possibly drive. (didn't want to risk it with a mini-van). Took me about 20 minutes to drive the road.

The road was in descent shape and starts about 2 miles over the border (look for the intersection that looks like a dirt road that heads off into no where, and there is a building with another dirt road just across the highway from it). If you come to the Boundary Peak sign, you have gone too far.

The hike it'self was beautiful. Still lots of snow up high in June, but I will take snow over scree anyday! :D

I also saw a herd of 9 wild horses grazing up at 10,000 feet, and pretty much had to hike thru them on the way back down :eek: Cool mountain!
Jay H said:
TMax has a different book than mine, perhaps it has the hiking route. I'll have to check that out too.
I have a book by Holmes that describes the Trail Canyon route and another book by Winger that describes two routes up Trail Canyon and gives good road directions...

Hey Jay, that second mountain I told you about? It's Montgomery Peak (13441') in California and is just a ridgewalk over from Boundary. You in? How about you Hikethe115?
Thanks all, I'll have to print all those maps and stuff out shortly.

Terri, we could see what kind of time we have and the conditions, how far on the ridge is it, much elevation drop?
