Bradley Pond Trail (Santanoni)

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First one to sign in at Santanoni trailhead in two weeks. I originally planned on working on my winter 46 (im have 22 now) but the combo of trail conditions and time restraints and not being in as good a shape as normal would dictate otherwise. The first 1.8 miles on the road were not bad. Just a few inches of powder on an old snowmobile track. As soon as you step onto the real part of the trail it was knee deep powder even in snowshoes. I instantly changed plans to go to Bradley Pond lean-to instead. It took 6 hours and I didnt even make it all the way. Went somewhere close to 4.5 miles out and came back. The trail is pretty well broken to that point. At many points snow well over my head (im 5'8) obviously deeper as I ascended. No partner to share trailbreaking with so I called that a day and shoed out after dark. I have been hiking here for several winters now and this is the most snow I have seen this early in the year and at the lower elevations ever. This weekend warm weather should help consolidate it pretty good though.

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