browser locking up?

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Sep 19, 2003
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clinton, ny "avatar:Bailey"
I use internet explorer 6.0 and sometimes when I hit the "back" button I get the hour glass for 5 minutes. I close the browser and open it back up. Anyone else have this problem?
You mean Internet Exploder? :D

Seriously, if you are hellbent on using IE, then the first thing i would try is to turn off all the ActiveX and java and javascript using your internet security option and see if that fixes it.. Might be something incompatible with IE or so on VfTT's end, especially if you say it only happens on VfTT...

Adk_dib said:
I use internet explorer 6.0 ...
Like many of the responders I normally use Firefox, but for certain sites I unfortunately need IE. So I upgraded to IE 7, a free download. It has better functionality and perhaps fewer severe security holes. But still nowhere near as good as Firefox.
Speaking of Firefox does anybody use the "No scripts" function? I tried it but turned it off because it was a royal PITA.
Jay H said:
Seriously, if you are hellbent on using IE, then the first thing i would try is to turn off all the ActiveX and java and javascript using your internet security option and see if that fixes it.. Might be something incompatible with IE or so on VfTT's end, especially if you say it only happens on VfTT...
Ideally one could leave them all off for security reasons:
* ActiveX is a massive security hole
* Java has some security problems
* Javascript (no relation to java) has some risks, but is less of a problem

In my experience, many websites use javascript. Attempting to keep it turned off will be very frustrating. Most do not require java and I have little problem leaving it turned off. And I never run activeX because it will not run on my machine.

As Jay H suggests, turning these services off will generally increase the stability of your browser (and safety of your machine), but pragmatically you are likely to need to leave javascript on.

Firefox is generally believed to be safer than IE. It is also updated whenever security problems are found, so if you use it, keep it updated.

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Neil said:
Speaking of Firefox does anybody use the "No scripts" function? I tried it but turned it off because it was a royal PITA.
I use it. I agree that you need to 'allow' a lot, but I find it does the job well after that.

Being paranoid, I also use AdBlock, and Flashblock.
Java too, if you have an older machine with not a lot of RAM, is very slow to load and run...

Good luck!

Adblock Plus is great!

I think (I don't keep up with these things) Firefox is in v3.0 beta right now...
