Buck Mountain (Lake George) 4/4/10


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Trail conditions: Started from the Hogtown trail head for a very late afternoon hike and summit sunset. Trail was beautiful, wet in spots, but honestly never got my boots wet. There are multiple stream crossings, and a section that follows the stream, so extended or heavy rain might change this report. However, trail was fairly dry for April, and should only get better.

Equipment: Hiking boots, and whatever else you carry. No special equipment needed for this hike. Very little snow left in the forest, none on the trail.

Comments: Sunset was so so, the best is usually about 20 minutes post set, and we didn't stick around because of the wind. Slightly windy and cool on summit. Like always, we had the place to ourselves which is a huge advantage to not minding hiking via headlamp, heard lots of coyotes after dark and a few owls. **Note**: you have to park at the Hogtown trailhead, the road is blocked beyond this point, this adds 1 mile to the round trip. It might be open this weekend, as it looked perfect to me. Also, Dacey Clearing is also blocked off, this adds ~2 miles to Sleeping beauty.
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