Bugs in catskills


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Are there different bugs in the Catskills?Last yr I took Robodog with me up Westkill.He tromped off trail alot.Later he had a pussy lesion that didn't go away.Lasted all summer,no one wanted to pat him ;didn't hike with the old pooch again.Are the ticks different out there?:confused: :confused:
It all depends on were you are comparing it to. The bugs are no different than anywere else in the North East for the most part. He could have just had a different reaction to the bit.
he had a pussy lesion

No, I better not ...... :p

Sounds like Robodog had an infection caused by a tickbite. Have you taken him to the Vet? I would consider a test for Lyme's Disease as well. My sister's dog, who just got put down on friday due to cancer :( , was diagnosed a few years ago with Lymes and she was always kept in the house or the yard, never in the woods. Unfortunately, ticks can be found just about anywhere in the northeast.
I am always telling tht corpsmen on base to document a lesion with a purulent discharge or a lesion with pus. There is no good way of writing it the other way.
As recent as a decade ago deer ticks carrying Lyme disease were virtually nonexistent in the Catskills. However, they have now spread over the region. Last June I was bit by one on Ashokan High Point as evidenced by the red circular bull's-eye rash (none of that unmentionable lesion). FYI I had already had the Lymerix vaccine - so it just shows you can still get the rash even after being vaccinated. My doctor still recommended I take the antibiotics after the bite just to be safe.

A dog belonging to some of my friends got Lyme disease this past February - those bugs apparently have no off season. The dog could not walk for a couple of days, but recovered after treatment.

The Catskills last summer had a bumper crop of stinging nettles, and raspberry and blackberry thorns. I remember that all were present last July when I climbed Westkill. Perhaps Robodog got badly scratched and then developed an infection in those scratches. In any case a trip to the vet might be warranted.

Anytime Postr,Imust warn you tho,I wanted to be an astronaut,so I can hike kind of fast like:eek: