Busy Weekend for Fish and Game in the whites


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In Rembrance , July 2024
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Sep 3, 2003
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Gorham NH

2 slip and falls, one didn't feel well and one lack of gear. I expect the leaf drop contributed to slips and falls plus Sunday was in the drizzle near the summits. I was surprised that the party from Ottawa were fully equipped, had Hike Safe cards and insisted on walking down, an atta boy to them. They definitely paid back the Hike Safe card investment. The injured shoulder on Carrigan was also slip and fall with a walk down, the bill should not be too steep. The Carter Moriah hiker is a tossup, could be "a didn't feel well but went anyhow" decision or something that just appeared with exertion. Could be expensive if F&G staffed up for a carry. Fourth one was just bad decision./planning. The bill is probably cheap as there was no need for carryout but they deserve to pay it.

Saturday was a record breaking River Fire ATV/community event in the Berlin area. Usually F&G shifts staffing up to the area to deal with the influx of ATVs and the inevitable accidents and law enforcement, this probably led to some tough staffing decisions for limited F&G resources.
Usually F&G shifts staffing up to the area to deal with the influx of ATVs and the inevitable accidents and law enforcement, this probably led to some tough staffing decisions for limited F&G resources.

Been reading about a change in leadership for F&G. Apparently the current director (Glenn Normandeau) is not going to be reappointed by Gov. Sununu. One theory is that Normadeau is viewed as not "pro-gun" enough by various commissioners. He's also been pretty vocal about the under funding of his department.

FG leadership tends to be very a political position not many long term directors. .Normandeau did an interview with NHPR last year and it was obvious that he was not a politician. Definitely a tell it like it is type of person and that doesnt line up with the grin and bear it approach expected of a director. He also went against the popular political script that hiker rescues were the fundamental cause of the departments deficit. He instead tells the story that the primary funding sources that are tied to hunting and fishing are drying up as there are fewer hunters and fisherman while other non consumptive outdoor recreation is expanding with no reliable funding source coming along with it.
Another source of F & G income that has been decreasing every year as the population ages is the cost of the NH Lifetime hunting and fishing license. I bought mine ten years ago for $7.00 and haven't paid for one since. Also, the senior license fees are really low and that loss is increasing annually for the same reason.
Todays Conway Daily Sun (Thursday 10/24) has an article about the Directors failure to be reappointed. Definitely some politics involved in the decision.
Todays Conway Daily Sun (Thursday 10/24) has an article about the Directors failure to be reappointed. Definitely some politics involved in the decision.

This is an interesting political squabble to be having as Sununu also creates a new department of state government titled: Office of Outdoor Recreation.

It's mission is reported to be:

The New Hampshire Department of Business and Economic Affairs (BEA) will launch the Office of Outdoor Recreation Industry Development through legislation signed by Gov. Chris Sununu earlier this month. BEA Commissioner Taylor Caswell said the new office will integrate tourism and economic initiatives to attract younger workers interested in the state’s outdoor options as part of their lifestyle. Think mountain biking after work or kayaking over the weekend.

Not sure exactly what that means, but it does sound like it's pushing "soft" recreation rather than hunting n fishing. There has been a split between the (dwindling) hunting and fishing interests and the outdoor rec proponents on the commission for some time.