Buzz retires

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He really loves that park. I was in "The Line" in Millinockett in January this year, and at about 5:30 a.m., Buzz showed up with a big smile and free hot coffee and donuts for us all. I was glad of the hot coffee and impressed by his good humor and dedication. The donuts flash froze in about 5 minutes. It was about -20*F.
While I have mixed feelings about some of Buzz's actions/decisions, he was a strong advocate for the park he loves. He will be missed.

I see that Jenson Bissell is interim director, hopefully that will become a permanent position for him.
It would be terrific to have Jensen stay on as Director.

there would certainly be a lot of controversy, though. A lot of people are upset about the legal mile cutting plan. I think it's wondefully educational and progressive, but of course I'm biased.

Buzz leaves quite a legacy. I'll miss his personal style whether it be at "opening day" or a chance encounter in the Park. His spirit and dedication is evident and will live on in the Park and in the staff. I hope he and his wife will enjoy a long well earned retirement and I hope he maintains some connection and presence with the Park.
I liked his proposal to close down Roaring Brook Road at Windy Pitch hill and to shut down the perimeter road, it would have changed the character of the east side of the mountain and opened up a lot more long distance backpack opportunities.

One thing that will be lost is he is the last one on staff that actually worked for Baxter, when there were questions about intrepretations of the deeds of trust, it was real valuable to have someone testify of direct knowledge of Baxter's intent.

So far I would give a thumbs up for rolling reservations!
The new Appalachia arrived yesterday and ironically, there was an article in it about Buzz. He was quoted as saying he wasn't going to retire anytime soon.

The BDN article sights health concerns as the culprit, so I guess that changed since Appalachia interviewed him.

on another note, this Appalachia appears to be a thinly veiled advertisement for Little Lyford Pond Camps, like much of the Outdoors material as of late. It is however, full of good info.

I'm not a fan of the new reservation system, but then, I rarely like change...

I was surprised to read Buzz is retiring, it seemed he'd be there forever. I hope his health issues are not serious.
Bangor Daily News article on Buzz's retirement party

In honor of Buzz's service, the park renamed some features:
BDN said:
Brown Pond will now be known as Caverly Pond and the top ledge of Lookout Trail is now Caverly Lookout. Signs bearing the new names will be posted immediately.

Spencer, does this mean we need to re-ski the Lookout Trail to get the newly named feature? I wouldn't mind that.

Anyone know where Brown Pond is/was? Doesn't ring a bell with me...
I'm sorry to have missed the going away party. I didn't even know it was being held. I'm on campus every day and didn't hear of it.

I don't know where Brown Pond is either. I've never heard of it and it's not listed in Clark's list of water bodies in the park. It's also not listed in the USGIS or Maine water body databases. It must be an otherwise unnamed pond that some folks call Brown. Are there any old-timers around that know about it? well, we'll get our chance to reski Caverly Ledge in a few months!

by the way, there were 49 applicants for the Director position.

I met Buzz Caverly a few times many years ago and he was a man who earned your respect. We had camped enough in the park that we had become personal friends with one of the rangers and his wife. Nothing like getting to use a real shower while in the park for two weeks.

I want to recommend a book on the history of Baxter State Park. I don't know if it's still in print, mine has a copyright of 1981. It's a very comprehensive history of the park. As one who holds a very special place in their heart for Baxter State Park I have the utmost respect for Percevil Baxter and his gift to the people of Maine. It can be pretty heavy reading at times loaded with dates and facts, but if you're a fan of the park then it really should be on your must read list.

"Legacy of a Lifetime, The Story of Baxter State Park" by Dr. John W. Hakola