Cabot on Columbus Day (Mon 10/10)

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Sep 1, 2004
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Goffstown, NH Avatar: No Once-lers or thneeds
Depends on weather, but I figure it would be appropriate, since there's not a Mt Columbus in NH, to hike Mt Cabot on Columbus Day.

Trip from Mill Brook Rd via Bulge & Horn, start time preference 9am but could be persuaded to go slightly earlier / later.

(p.s. no botany delays expected)
*Some* of us have to work that day. :(

Have a great trip - it's a beautiful route from Stark. I hope the weather is nice for your stop on the Horn!
MichaelJ said:
*Some* of us have to work that day. :(

that includes me :( I am planning on doing Cabot soon, but can't this weekend.
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Dont shelve it just yet!! Cabot is a great hike (if not a great summit) and is made even better in snow.
The approach up to Unknown Pond is so open with the leaves off the branches. Its fantastic. I finished my first round of 48 there a few years back in October with a slight snow falling.
If you decide to take a stab later this year, post it and if theres room Id tag along!
I'd be all in for that too, whether I finish this one and "cross it off my list" earlier, or not. I might try it later this week if I can get myself to the trailhead and not get lost out on the trails ....Please, no laughing, it's not a joke as some of you know :eek: !!!! Your description makes me psyched to do this hike, Coldmountain --- Thanks :).