Active member
Cabot, from the west, via Mt. Cabot Tr.
Date of Hike: Sunday, March 15, 2009
Trail Conditions: Frozen granular; softened as day warmed
Special Equipment Required: Trail was bare-bootable; I used microspikes all day, which were perfect.
It's nice to have the west approach available again. We parked on Arthur White Rd., well off the road, just prior to the open gate. There is some logging activity at the base of the trail. There are no blazes until you're a good 1 - 1.5 miles in.
Your name: damselfly
email: btzimr at gmail dot com
Date of Hike: Sunday, March 15, 2009
Trail Conditions: Frozen granular; softened as day warmed
Special Equipment Required: Trail was bare-bootable; I used microspikes all day, which were perfect.
It's nice to have the west approach available again. We parked on Arthur White Rd., well off the road, just prior to the open gate. There is some logging activity at the base of the trail. There are no blazes until you're a good 1 - 1.5 miles in.
Your name: damselfly
email: btzimr at gmail dot com