California considering banning smoking in State parks and Beaches

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I don't know what to think about this.... I'm certainly not for smoking but the ban seems a bit intrusive to say the least :rolleyes:

IMHO they should up the fine for littering, make it a serious bit of change ... put some extra cameras around and make litterers/people who throw filtered cigarette butts on the ground pay some tough fines and maybe do time or community service..... cleaning up after themselves and others like them, lol. Did I tell you I hate litterers? :mad:
Or add yet another tax on smokers that goes to dedicated funding to hire people to pick up the litter.
WTF is happening to my country!?!?

I have been thinking that for the last 4 years or so.

I would have to disagree with the added tax on "cancer sticks" to pick up butts. Considering there are other things besides butts that are part of the litter problem, like bottles, cheeseburger wrappers, etc. Do we tax these also? And knowing how goverment will implement a tax for one thing and spend the money on something else........
Tobacco or marijuana?

Good question. In November there's a ballot initiative to determine whether it will be legal to purchase an ounce of it.

According to the article, in one poll "56% of respondents favored legalized marijuana". With the current budget crisis, the ability to tax it might be a godsend to the local and state governments.

Whether it passes this year or not, it's only a matter of time. People have become sophisticated/educated enough to see it for what it is, regardless of misinformation. Change may come slowly though, as there's a huge industry within the law and order community who make their living and fortunes attempting to control it.
Good question. In November there's a ballot initiative to determine whether it will be legal to purchase an ounce of it.

According to the article, in one poll "56% of respondents favored legalized marijuana". With the current budget crisis, the ability to tax it might be a godsend to the local and state governments.

Whether it passes this year or not, it's only a matter of time. People have become sophisticated/educated enough to see it for what it is, regardless of misinformation. Change may come slowly though, as there's a huge industry within the law and order community who make their living and fortunes attempting to control it.
Another BIG player here is the pharmaceutical industry and it's extensive lobbying ability. A pain reliever "grown in the home" would definately cut into prescription narcotic, OTC NSAID, and Timoptic sales, to name but a few. I cannot see Big Pharma giving that up, without a fight.
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Another BIG player here is the pharmaceutical industry and it's extensive lobbying ability. A pain reliever "grown in the home" would definately cut into prescription narcotic, OTC NSAID, and Timoptic sales, to name but a few. I cannot see Big Pharma giving that up, without a fight.

Good point. They're truly the 800 pound Gorilla.