calkins brook trail

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Sep 19, 2003
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clinton, ny "avatar:Bailey"
I plan on doing this in a couple weeks and have a question. I know it is called a "brook", but is it actually running water or just rocks. Reason I ask is dont want to have to carry all my water from the car. would rather pump some half way up the brook. how reliable is this water source?
Adk_dib said:
I plan on doing this in a couple weeks and have a question. I know it is called a "brook", but is it actually running water or just rocks. Reason I ask is dont want to have to carry all my water from the car. would rather pump some half way up the brook. how reliable is this water source?
It's definitely reliable water. There are little streams as you go up the herd path too. I think there were at least 5 or 6 the day that I went, all suitable for water filtration.

FYI: You do not follow the brook, you cross it and continue up the other side.
I was there 8 days ago. Even the feeders have plenty of water. However, it is the feeders you will most likely be getting your water from, since, as Tom mentioned, the path is a fair distance from the brook... It is up on a ridge so that mud is avoided. The last stream you cross (heading up) runs from the col between Donaldson, and that bump to the west.
Raymond said:
When you hit the big blowdown section, you’ve just passed the last stream.

I was just there this past weekend. I dont recall a very big blowdown section or at least it was not that bad to me :D

Raymond is right almost to the top of Donaldson there is a brook descent size and that will be your last water source. Here are some pics
