Camels Hump

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Just got down from an overnight on the Hump 12/8/07...

Took the Burrows trail to the top, quick run up the summit.

Trail conditions: Burrows trail is packed down, but snow was light and constant. Suggest snowshoes or crampons, barebooting is possible but lots of sliding will occur. Very little exposed rock to snag crampons on, otherwise an ideal choice. The trail was very well packed down, but stepping off trail can land one waist-deep in powder very quickly. Also, wind directly on the hump was BRUTAL, bring extra insulation if attempting the peak.

The approach road was drivable in a front-wheel drive car, in 1st gear for the last half mile or so. Use care not to stop on the uphill climb or you will slide back to the Forest City trailhead. If you can't make it, park there and hike the .7 miles to the Burrows trailhead.

-Matt L