camel's hump

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Jan 15, 2004
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Guilderland, NY
camel's hump in the Daks

has anyone done camel's hump? it's my understanding it's an unmarked trail/bushwack?
if so, can you tell me about it - how long is it, how are the views, is it a nasty bushwack (wet, muddy, lots of brush etc). my hiking partner wants to do it saturday & i can't find any info on it.
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I guess you are refering to the Camel's Hump in VT. There are trails that take you to the Summit. No need to bushwhack, unless you prefere too. Unless you are talking about another Camel's Hump.
Are you talking about the Camel's Hump in the Adirondacks, near Niagara Mountain? That's a bushwhack, which made me think this might be the one you're referring to. It's just west of the northway southeast of the Dixes. It's a pretty open woods/easy bushwhack, with the approach starting from Route 9 and coming under the Northway. It's pretty well described in the Barbara McMartin guide, and in the ADK guide as well. (If not in the High Peaks region, then eastern or northeastern region guidebooks) Anyway it's been a few years since I've done it, but the woods were pretty open and the views were nice.
I just responded to your PM. I was up there last year. I gave you a trail discription in the response. It's pretty straight forward.
pk bagger response

hey there
i checked out the link but not much info there, just a picture. i may have emailed you from work so any response is there & i'm here now. would it be possible to forward any additional info to: [email protected]?
Camel's Hump - Sort of

Well thanks peakbgr for the info - but unfortunately we were already on route. We did, however, find the path just fine. We followed it quite a ways, until it got really overgrown & my partner decided we must turn around - he was pretty sure where we were supposed to start up into the woods. So we headed back, he took some compass readings & we started off. As a bushwhack goes, the going was pretty easy, not too overgrown, a few smaller fallen trees - nothing drastic. However, we must have been the 1st food source of the season for the mosquitoes! They were relentless & being in the woods, it was humid with no wind so they stuck to you like glue. Even 3 layers of DEET didn't help. Finally we reached a "mountain" & climbed up. Not bad, some nice views & walked over to the other side. Partner would say, "yup this is it, then mmm is it? Ya must be." There was a small, dense hump next to us he wanted to explore. But it was so nice & sunny (no bugs) where we were now that I said something very similar to "screw you" & While my partner headed out, I laid out the blanket, my book & basked in the sun. It was really nice, quiet, peaceful.... About 45 min later I start hearing this sound " yo" - what the heck kind of animal makes a sound like that? then I heard "yo yo" Ok it's my partner. Well I'm downwind of him so I hear him fine. Figuring he's "hearing" his way back to me I yell back - but he's upwind & hears nothing. Which, after about 10 minutes of listening to his "yo-yo ing" it's probably just as well he couldn't hear me! He finally gets back & tells me he lost the compass so he needed to find his way back to me by yelling. But he has definitely concluded we are on Camels Hump! We relax a bit longer & eventually head out - of course, no compass but we know we only have one direction to head in & will eventually hit the path. All goes well until we are in the thick of the woods when I hear this whisper "therrrrre baaaack!" & the mosquitoes start up again. We finally made it to the path, to our car & home to hot showers. Now today I learn -WE WERE ON THE WRONG MT! Well it wasn't a bad excursion except for the mosquitoes, but if we'd been Lewis & Clark the west might never have been discovered! I would like to know if you've ever hiked up into what looked like a really big waterfalls? You can see it from the top of the mountain. We saw some ladies on the trail who were trying to find their way into it, but maybe they hadn't traveled far enough up the path? Thanks for the info tho, I'm sure it's a really fun hike :D