Canadian Rockies trip help/info/suggestions

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Jan 20, 2004
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Vernon, VT avatar: Old Goat
Donna & I will be flying into Calgary 8/3 and out 8/10.

After doing some checking we think the best plan for us will be to rent a camper van. If we rent a van is there anything we should be aware of? In order to get the van we'll have to spend the night in Calgary 8/3 & 8/9. Any places you'd recommend to stay, eat, etc? We'll be traveling 8/4, 5, 6. 7, 8 and back on the 9th.

The charge for mileage is $0.31 per km!

We want to explore/sightsee/hike in the Rockies. This will be a busy part of the tourist season and prices are quite high.

Should we expect to have trouble finding sites to camp in the parks? We'd like to hike to a Hut for an overnight. Any favorite spots? and are we likely to have trouble finding open space? Suggestions for nice trails to jog/hike?

Know of any trail races in that area?

Thanks for any help in advance!
I'll be ensconced in Lake Louise from the 3rd until the 15th of August. Going to be doing lots of hiking and scrambling from there.

Some campgrounds take reservations (ie. Lake Louise which was probably full for the summer within a few hours of the start of on-line reservations. Mosquitoe creek, 20 miles up the Jasper Highway is first come, first serve and I have always found a spot there, no sweat.

I've hiked and scrambled extensively in the area and depending on just what sort of hikes you want to do can point you in the right direction.

Most of the trails are good for running, they switch-back when the going gets steeper. Be sure to make lots of noise so as not to startle a grizzly and become lunch. On some trails groups of six or more are mandatory (very heavy fines) due to resident grizzly populations. Grizzlies are less likely to attack a group of six than a solo hiker/runner.

I believe the huts require reservations. I'm staying at Abott's hut for one night and the fees are $35 per person, plus wilderness passes. Some, if not all of the huts, are run by the ACC (Alpine Club of Canada) so check their website for details.
Neil, sorry to miss your dates, would of loved to have scrambled with you up there...
I'll be there from 8/22-9/2 and will be doing lots of hiking/scrambling. Heading up for a few days to the Bugaboos and heli-hiking too.

Have done quite a few hikes there, last year hiked Castle Mountain and it was a nice long approach out to Rockbound Lake where we watched a bald eagle soar and land near us.(I think 5 miles)?? It would be a really nice trail run. It is right at the bottom of the Mountain as you start the real hiking...Long day!!

Too many great hikes and Mountains to climb there any area you're interested in especially?? They are very strick about the hiker limits when grizzley are in the area, huge fines! Pick up a can of bear spray, worth the cost up there!!

The National Park office in downtown Banff is great about setting you up with maps and routes to check out. Real nice trail run up Sulfur Mountain too...
When scrambling there is always a below tree line portion to "bushwhack" through. Having been charged by a grizzly and experiencing a close encounter on another occasion I am forever scared $hitless so I carry an air horn that I recharge with a bicycle pump. I let 'em know they have company.

Once you get into the off-trail scrambling there is no limit to what you can do.
My friend and I do alot of singing really loudly,while going through those me it would scare away most species animal or human!!

We make up our own words to songs as we go.... :eek:
After doing some checking we think the best plan for us will be to rent a camper van. If we rent a van is there anything we should be aware of?
Last year we looked into renting a camper van for the northwest. Cruise America has great deals that involve driving refurbished campers from their factory in Seattle or Vancouver back out to Banff or Calgary. It might be worth calling them to see if something like that would work for your trip.
Wilderness hostels

You'll have a camper van, but just as another option there are awesome wilderness hostels you could check out. This is Edith Cavell it has no shower but definitely a remote feel. This is Whiskey Jack in Yoho Nat'l Park. Hot running water from a propane tank and uphill water supply. Right across from the Takakkaw Falls. Great hikes right out the door. My husband and I went in Sept., and nothing was fully booked, but I can't speak for high season. Jasper was an interesting town, very reminiscent to us of Flagstaff, AZ in some ways.

From the Banff area we did a great, long day hike loop up the Cory Pass/Edith Pass. The views were stunning once we topped out and started heading down. The most silent silence I've ever heard in my life. Our pictures are here if you want some inspiration.

My one huge piece of advice. Get up at the crack of dawn, literally, to enjoy some almost solitude at Moraine Lake or Lake Louise. Again, I can't speak for high season, but in Sept. at 7:30am we had Moraine Lake to ourselves and it was gorgeous.

Heck, maybe we need to go back there. Right now.

There is also this thread which has more than just Canadian Rockies info, but may be helpful.

Have a fantastic time!
Better take a look at Parks Canada's website.

Lots of Bear activity and several area closures.

Also, the Park Wardens are trying to capture a rogue black bear who attacked a jogger near Lake Louise.

One of the closures covers the approach to one of my planned scrambles.
Thanks Soooo Much :)

We're flying out @ 8am tomorrow. Will get the van Monday morning and "head for the hills" :p

You've been most helpful and I appreciate all you've mentioned!

Will try to keep the Bear encounters to a minimum, but would be great to see...from a distance :)

Have found out a couple of our friends have been out that way and sounds like you'd have to work at it if you wanted to have a not so FUN time!

Thanks again!!!