Canisters with full registers

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Well-known member
Sep 4, 2003
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My gut is telling me no... but my gut is also very
What is the accepted procedure for dealing with summit canisters that have too many registers in them? I was tempted to remove the extra, filled-up notebooks from the canisters atop Kennebago Divide and Cupsuptic Snow* last week, but didn't because I didn't know if I should or not or what I would do with them afterward. Mail them to somebody?** Keep them for myself? Also, I didn't want to be told to return them whence they came.

* The canisters on those two mountains are particularly small, probably because those two mountains are relatively recent additions to the New England Hundred Highest list.

** I didn't look as carefully as I might have to see if there were instructions in the books, so I can't swear they weren't there, but I don't think they were.

On a related note, the canisters and registers atop Big Jay and Boundary Peak are completely missing. Is anyone in charge of replacing them, or is it a volunteer position?
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NE100 canisters ? It's kind of like musical chairs. If you're the lucky one to reach the canister when the summit register fills, bring it home with you, mail it in to the FTFC, and they'll bronze it, then mail it back to you.

You can hang it from your car's rear-view mirror, attach it to your pack, trade it in for valuable prizes, whatever floats your boat!

Send a PM to Eric Savage - he lurks here now and then. He's on the FTFC, and might be the one that bronzes the summit registers.

Canisters missing on Big Jay and Boundary are probably due to vandalism, or could have been removed because there are trails leading to these peaks.
Since we're searching for answers on cannisters, I hope you don't mind if I ask a question that I've been wondering about.

Do the summit cannisters and registers have some purpose or they just for fun?
As far as the registers on the 3ks, IMO, it's strictly for fun. It's great to read some of the comments, and also to see who's really making it to the summit, as opposed to those claiming that they have.
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SLB said:
NE100 canisters ? It's kind of like musical chairs. If you're the lucky one to reach the canister when the summit register fills, bring it home with you, mail it in to the FTFC, and they'll bronze it, then mail it back to you.
Dang! I've been waiting for my check for $10,000,000.00.

Actually, I have yet to see one of these things, even though I have been on five of the NEHH under 4000'. I never gave it a thought that the registers have been removed from mountains with trails to the summit. All of the NEHH I have been to, have had trails.

Another thought: would anyone really claim to have climbed a mountain without actually doing it? I suppose it is something only a priest would get to hear about, but criminey, why would anybody lie about something like that?
Originally Posted by Paradoxwould anyone really claim to have climbed a mountain without actually doing it?

Frederick Cook had to build his reputation to get funding for his North Pole trek, but I'm willing to bet some have claimed to have climbed lesser peaks for lesser rewards.

Big Jay has a herd path, not an official trail. The bracket for the canister is attached to a tree, but the canister is gone.

Boundary Peak is on the U.S.-Canada border swath, but not a true trail. The canister was there not very long ago, according to reports. Now there is just a piece of the canister.
Raymond said:
Boundary Peak is on the U.S.-Canada border swath, but not a true trail. The canister was there not very long ago, according to reports. Now there is just a piece of the canister.

Indeed, from the bits and pieces of canister we found laying around this spring, it looked to us like it had been used for target practice. We could not find any sign of the register that used to be inside it though.

- Ivy
I am headed to Boundry this Friday, if I can get the materials to make one, I will place it there. I assume that it is a 3" diameter schedule 40 PVC pipe with one glued-on endcap and one loose endcap. How are they fixed to the tree? I will start another thread.
poison ivy said:
looked to us like it had been used for target practice

Probably from local "expert" hunters who sit in a treehouse above a salt lick, waiting for an animal to walk up to the salt lick, and shooting the animal at point-blank range. Very challenging! :(
Paradox said:
I am headed to Boundry this Friday, if I can get the materials to make one, I will place it there. I assume that it is a 3" diameter schedule 40 PVC pipe with one glued-on endcap and one loose endcap. How are they fixed to the tree? I will start another thread.

Paradox: see the other thread which I responded to: Canister thread

In particular, you should talk to Eric Savage before you go.
Paradox said:
I am headed to Boundry this Friday, if I can get the materials to make one, I will place it there. I assume that it is a 3" diameter schedule 40 PVC pipe with one glued-on endcap and one loose endcap. How are they fixed to the tree? I will start another thread.

Paradox: see my response to the other thread Canister thread

In particular you should talk to Eric Savage before you go.

Have fun at Boundary.
More people doing 3000 footers?

An interesting comment from one poster that "more people are doing 3000 footers." I'd like to understand why you say that.

I keep a roster of finishers of the NHHH and NH3000 footers and distribute patches. Haven't had much business lately. I usually use a rule of thumb that about half the finishers of a given list will write me for patches. Admittedly there's quite a bit of distinction between doing the hiking and sending me a list of hikes and it's obvious which one I can track.

The goal of the NHHH and 3000 footers has always been low profile because this is an activity that can't really stand a lot of interest without impacting on the woods but maybe we've been a little too low key.

Open to comments, positive and/or negative
Bill, as I am actively trying to finish the 3k list, I have been seeing the registers quite a bit recently, and I agree with you based on the evidence I see, there is no great herd of people working on the 3k list at present.
dms said:
Bill, as I am actively trying to finish the 3k list, I have been seeing the registers quite a bit recently, and I agree with you based on the evidence I see, there is no great herd of people working on the 3k list at present.

Two weeks ago on Bag Pond Mtn we where the first to sign-in in 2 years.
Last weekend on E Spotted we actually counted the number of entries... 28 in the last 20 years. Now "thats" a busy 3K peak!

Long time no sign in

That's close to my own record although on one peak in Vermont the register only had Dennis Crispo as a name, but it was rusted shut and I couldn't get in.