Cannon & The Kinsmans, (possible traverse) 7/21 or 22/2007

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Jul 18, 2005
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Nashua, NH
Cannon & The Kinsmans, (possible traverse) 7/22/2007

Is anybody interested in hiking Cannon and the Kinsmans this weekend? For those keeping track of these details, there are three 4K’s and one NEHH in the hike.

I’m thinking of two different possibilities; a loop or a traverse.


The loop would start from Lafayette Place, hiking Lonesome Lake Trail and probably go up the Hi Cannon Trail to get Cannon and continue south on the Kinsman Ridge Trail over Northeast Cannonball, North Kinsman, and to South Kinsman. Then, make a u-turn to Fishin’ Jimmy then Lonesome Lake and out. I’ve done this hike before. It’s a long day and the Fishin’ Jimmy Trail is an interesting late-day test.

13 miles, 4,700 feet, 8hr. 50min. (book time estimate)


The traverse would require a car spot at Kinsman Notch and an earlier start. We would hike the Kinsman Ridge Trail end-to-end. Starting at the tramway parking lot and hiking south over Cannon, Northeast Cannonball, North Kinsman, South Kinsman, and anything else that gets in our way. For this choice I would prefer to be hiking by ~7:00am and could easily start earlier.

16.9 miles, 5,750 feet, 11hr. 18min. (book time estimate)

If we plan on the traverse and have a third car to work with it can be spotted at Lafayette Place for a bail-out option.

Right now the weekend looks pretty good for either day, Sunday looks best. We all know that can change. I’m open to hike either day.

I hike a moderate pace that is generally around book time.

If you’re interested please respond to this thread or by PM and we’ll work out the details.

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This hike is set for Sunday, July 22.

Considering the current Sunday forecast it could be the best conditions we've seen in a while. According to the National Weather Service Hourly Forecast for both Franconia and Lincoln, there's less than 40% sky cover expected and less than 20% probability of precipitation. Along with a light breeze from the northwest and a very low dewpoint it should be a terrific day. I hope they're right. :D

I'm still open to hike either the loop or traverse. But, it looks more likely to end up as the loop from Lafayette Place.

Let me know if you're interested in the hike.
