Cardigan May 26th?

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Feb 27, 2004
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Has anyone been up Cardigan lately? I have to be over in that area on Friday the 26th and was wondering how long a hike this is.
I wouldn't be able to start until at least 2 or 3, but was wondering if it would be an ok one for a sunset, and an easy and safe one to hike out from under headlamp. Thanks in advance! ;)
From the state park (west ridge trail) is a short hike, 3 mi rt, 1000' gain, not at all difficult (when dry) but exposed to surprisingly strong winds. One-way book time is an hour and fifteen minutes; a 3PM start can get you down before sunset if you don't dawdle. The VFTT are fantastic, I highly recommend this mountain.

A post-sunset descent shouldn't be a problem either. The upper part of the "trail" is over barren rock, so pay attention to your compass on the way up if you think you'll stay on the summit after dark. Blazes and signs are plentiful but finding them in the dark is not always easy if you're new to it. Once in the trees the trail is unmistakable, broad and easy with no intersections except South Ridge trail.

Note: the Holt trail (from the east) is much steeper and often wet, I'd stay off it in the dark.
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Sounds like you've never been there. Do you have a map or better yet a trail guide? The AMC map provides inset map showing roads used to approach trail heads. Without this kind of detailed map, you'll end up getting lost trying to get to the trailhead itself. Previous writer is correct in that taking trail from west side is the shortest and quickest plus you get to descend in twilit trail while east side trails will be darker. I've never been up the west side so I can't comment much about it. Maybe it's easier to find than getting to the eastern trailheads. I will say it's hard to find Cardigan Lodge side if you've never been there before. Like previous writer said, keep careful watch on the painted blazes on top to descend. As it is pure ledge with no cairns and NO SIGNS!!!, you might take the wrong trail down and walk down the east side which is expensive mistake to make after dark. The west side trails have orange blazes to distinquish them from yellow blazes of main summit trails on east side. I don't recommend attempting west side without map as there are many trails on east side and they change names a lot by the time you get to the top. The shortest route to top from east side requires combination of trails. Actually very shortest route from east side is to take the Holt Trail. However upper part of Holt is for seasoned rock scramblers only. Do not take upper part of Holt unless you are comfortable with exposure on rock slabs. This is one of most challanging regular trails in NH mountains. Good luck ... get a map!
On the west side the West Ridge trailhead is in the state park which is not hard to find. Any ordinary roadmap will get you there, or follow directions from state park website They also have a trail map there (west side only) which is not very detailed but better than nothing. However, as I said the west ridge trail is easy to follow. Do bring a compass and pay attention (after dark, in particular), as lots of trails converge on or near the wide-open summit (and not all are marked on most maps). There are signs quite near the summit but it is still possible to get confused in the dark.