Carragain (& Others) Via Nancy/Norcross Pond

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Well-known member
Oct 21, 2004
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Kill Kaso, MA
Hi everyone. Going in from the Nancy Pond Trail to Carrigain Notch is about 7 miles. The loop up Desolation Trail, to Carrigain Summit, to Signal Ridge and back to Carriagain Notch is 10 miles. The whole trip (I'd prefer not to spot a car) would be 24 miles and some elevation... I assume it's about like doing the Bonds in a day.

I'm considering this as a day hike on The First Nice Day next week. Judging from the forecast, this may be the later part of the week. If you're interested, pipe in. I'm going to take a vacation day for this.

I would also consider this as an overnight... for this I would visit Duck Pond and hike Lowell, Anderson and possibly Vose Spur and Duck Pond Mountain or Mt. Nancy in addition to Carragain.

This is interest based... so whether I do it as an overnight or a dayhike could depend on YOU. I could do it on the weekend (Fri/Sat/Sun/Mon). I think I have a presi traverse to do sometime this weekend though. Sunday, maybe, if Bob & Geri still want me to come along.

Nancy Pond and Norcross Pond are spectacular! The trail between Norcross and Carragain (I've never done) is supposedly gorgeous. I'm a little tired of going up Signal Ridge from Sawyer River Road so I think this'll be a nice alternative. Company or no I'm going to do this trip within the week or so. But I thought I'd throw it out there...

-Dr. Wu

A group of us did the hike (with a car spot) from Sawyer River Road to the Nancy Pond Trail parking lot in July. Our goals were different (to bag Vose Spur and Nancy in one hike) but the route was indeed beautiful. The part between Carrigain Notch and Norcross Pond was especially nice - and rather flat. We did not venture onto the Desolation Trail but I'm sure that would be very similar. It was amazing to travel that vast area away from everything else.

Here's the link for what it's worth: Vose Spur / Nancy trip.

I would just say that if you get another car, by all means use a car spot. IMHO, it's better to spend your time seeing new things that to do an (exhausting) out and back (of course you do have the loop over Carrigain). Unless your goal is to get tired :).

Have fun whatever you do.
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Papa Bear said:
I would just say that if you get another car, by all means use a car spot. IMHO, this better to spend your time seeing new things that to do an (exhausting) out and back. Unless your goal is to get tired :).

Have fun whatever you do.
My goal sometimes is to get tired. But for this I want to do the loop to make sure that I don't just traverse Carragain but also Carragain Notch as well. I could and then double back to Signal Ridge but I think it's pointless... I'd rather walk out and see the Ponds again.

If someone wants to come and spot there car at Sawyer River Road, no problem... It's only a few miles of road walking, just meet me at the Nancy Pond Trailhead on time.


(Nah, I'll help ya out)

-Dr. Wu
I'm thinking of camping back there early Oct. for a few days and doing quite a bit of exploring. I love this part of the Pemi. It's filled with nice views and relics from it's distant past.
i'll consider this if it falls on my days off. :)