Carrigain 5/29/05

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Jan 14, 2005
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After too many weekends of rain, I felt like I needed to get up to the Whites and breathe some of that rarified high-altitude air. I couldn't find any hiking partners for this trip, but I must confess that I didn't look too hard because it was one of those days where I just wanted to be alone with my thoughts and experience nature. I've always been comfortable hiking solo, so off I went.

Part of the reason for this trip was to make sure I had done all of the 48 4000 footers in NH before I submitted the paperwork. This was the only one I didn't have an exact date for since I vaguely remember hiking it with an ex-girlfriend back around 1993 or 1994. Can't remember if we made it to the top, so Carrigain is now either my first or my last. When I got to the junction of the Carrigain Notch Trail and Signal Ridge Trails, I remembered the brook crossing there immediately. I had hiked here before. So, just like 11 years before, I took off my boots and waded across. Only this time without female accompanyment. :(

Anyway, I had gotten a late start on this trip - 9:50 AM - and ended up passing 18 people on the way up. I made it to the summit and shared the views from the fire tower with a nice couple that seemed to be pretty experienced hikers. I snapped a picture for them and off I went poking around and trying my hand at some real bushwhacking. The second reason for doing this trip was to try and nab Vose Spur. I tried to navigate along the ridge from the summit but the trees were pretty dense (only made it about 100 yards before it got steep AND gnarly). I also tried descending the CNT to the North of the summit and following a contour to the East, but there was quite a bit of snow there still and I didn't see any old tracks or makings of a herd path. I was also kicking myself for not recording the GPS coordinates of the Vose Spur summit before I left, but I wasn't getting very good reception up there anyway. As some dark clouds and a brief hail storm rolled in, I decided to let it wait for another day and headed back for the car.

(Note: has anyone out there done Vose? What route did you take? I'm thinking of trying to bushwhack it from the CNT to the North, starting at 2700' next time.)

I scurried back over the summit, passing a scout troop that was huddling under the fire tower as a thunderstorm was approaching when as I left (I hope they made it out of there on time) and various other folks, including a polite Brit and his son, and headed down for home with little problems. It was a bit disconcerting to hear long rumbles of thunder coming from the sky behind me, so I admit to jogging a little on the flat parts on the last couple miles of the trail. The brook crossing that I had to wade through on the way in wasn't so bad because I found that it can be bypassed by following a herd path about 30 yards upstream where the CNT crosses it at a better spot. I felt a few raindrops as I crossed Sawyer River road and got back to my car in time to change into dry clothes before it really started raining. I couldn't help but think of all those people back on the trail when it really started pouring as I drove down 302. Sometimes I think the man upstairs is watching out for me since I couldn't have gotten out of there at a better time. :D
Congrats on finishing the 48! Like you said, perhaps you already had, but now you know for sure. This peak will be my final 48 on July 16th, so thanks for the report.