Carrigain (Signal Ridge, Desolation, Carrigain Notch, Shoal Pond, Ethan Pond Trails)

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Jul 20, 2011
Reaction score
White Mountains
Date of Hike: Sunday, May 27th

Trails: Signal Ridge, Desolation, Carrigain Notch, Shoal Pond, Ethan Pond Trails

Trail Conditions: The water crossings on the Signal Ridge Trail are low and rock hopable with care, the trail is in fine shape. The Desolation Trail has a couple of blowdowns within the first half mile of leaving Mount Carrigain's summit. The lower section of the Desolation trail has a mud section and unstable rotting bog bridges in spots. Carrigain Notch Trail to Stillwater Junction is in good shape. The Shoal Pond Trail water crossing at Stillwater junction was low but we still got our shoes wet, there is really no rock hop options on this one, the other four crossings were all low and easy. The beginning of the Shoal Pond Trail is tricky to follow, immdiately after crossing the river at the beginning of the trail you turn left (look for an old faded blue blaze) walk for about a hundred feet then take a sharp right and head through a very narrow and overgrown path for a couple of hundred yards before joining old logging roads, blue blazes are few and far between on this trail, none that I remember for the first quarter mile after initial blue blaze. The rest of the Shoal Pond Trail is easy to follow, with some nasty mud spots! Ethan Pond Trail is in fine shape.

Comments: Bring your bug spray! There's nothing like being deep in the Pemi, Hurricane Irene did a number to the banks of the North Fork in places. Great hike Alton and Kat! Trip Report / Pictures

Name: Chris

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