Carter Dome - Sun Jan 25

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Bob Kittredge

Active member
Sep 15, 2003
Reaction score
Terrified on Webster
I'm supposed to do Whiteface with a group on Saturday. If I survive that, and am still feeling ambitious, I'd like to have a go at Carter Dome on Sunday.

The (tentative) plan is to arrive at the 19 Mile Brook TH about 8AM (after stopping at Pinkham to check the weather) and start hiking up to Carter Notch. From there up the Carter-Moriah Trail to Carter Dome (1550' in 1.2 miles - steep, but scenic), and down the Carter Dome Trail and out. 10.2 miles, 3600' total. I'm generally good for a moderate to brisk pace.

It's supposed to be sunny, but temps will be in the single digits (20 degree drop from Saturday). Snowshoes, crampons, face protection and lots of layers will be the order of the day.

If I crap out and don't show up, have a nice hike.