Carter Hat Trick, 31 JAN 2009

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Apr 16, 2008
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Dallas, PA
Steve H. and I were out again. This time it was the Carters. We left from Rt 16 at the 19 Mile Creek T/H. Trail has seen allot of traffic, most going to the Carter Hut. We Started about 8am. Weather was perfect sunny, no wind. We reached the Carter Dome Trail, and no one had been out that way in awhile. We broke trail (1 ft to 2 ft of fresh powder) for about a mile till we reached the creek. This is where we lost the trail for short time. Two brothers (Chris and Nick) caught-up to us and helped us find the trail. (Thanks guys!) When you get to the creek, cross it, and then stay to your left slightly. Next you will ascend up through a series of switchbacks.

We continued up to Zeta Pass. We then headed to Carter Dome, Chris and Nick went to Height. Steve and I continued to break trail all the way to Carter Dome taking the short loop around Height. Summiting Carter dome was rather easy. 6 to 8 foot snow drifts on top and 30 mph winds at the summit (when not behind the drifts).

Next it was on to South Carter. The trail was now an easy go. Two other gentlemen went out to South Carter ahead of. This made it a nice hike to South Carter. Peak is rather small, but offers a nice view to the southwest.

At this point it was back to breaking trail to Middle Carter. At about 1/2 way between South and Middle there are some exposed areas. White AT marks are none existent up there. Best advice is when in doubt pick a straight line for the summit of Middle Carter. At this point clouds rolled in, and winds picked up. As the sun was starting to set, we decided to make one good push to the summit. At 4:15pm we summited Middle Carter. Spending very little time we went back down Carter Dome to 19 Mile Creek Trail. At this point we switched on the head lamps. And returned to the Trail Head by 7:30pm. (11.5 Hrs)

We Snow shoed the whole trail, Crampons weren't necessary but a good rule of thumb is never leave home without them.
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