catskill bug question

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Nov 5, 2003
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how bad are the bugs in the northern catskills during the 6/25-7/4 time period.
i am thinking about hiking in the area then.


Bugs in the catskills, in my experience, have never been very bad during late spring/early summer, especially in comparison to the Adirondacks. Due to the geology of the catskills, there are very few lakes, ponds, and wetlands, which means that they just don't have any place to lay their eggs. I'd certainly bring a bug net just in case, but it shouldn't be too bad.
The bugs in the Catskills are never as bad as in the Adirondacks in the late spring, early summer. There are relatively few lakes and ponds in the Catskills, and the hiking trails tend to be on ridgelines where you can often catch breezes. We do get black flies but they are nowhere near as virulent as in the Adks. and Whites.
Agree with the above. On the 1-10 blood donor scale, the ADK's blackflies and deer flies fluctuate between a 9 and 11 from late May until early July and when its hot and humid. :eek:
The Catskills never go above a 5.

There is a really pesky small house fly that comes out in May. You find them near the Catskill summits in May. They're enough to drive you back hiking if they're bad, but still nothing like the Adirondacks.
I also agree with all of the above. The biting black fly season in the Catskills is usually at least 2 weeks or more ahead of the Adirondacks. By June 24 they should be gone. And they never are as bad in the Catskills as they are in the Adirondacks.

The current snow pack in the Catskills is deeper this year than it has been in many years, and that might slow down the bug seasons a bit. But in reality the current snow pack is no deeper than it was during the winters of the 1970s, and even in those years the biting black flies were gone by late June.

Mosquitoes can be pesky through the summer some years at lower elevations along streams, but at elevation they are not that bad.

The two real PITAs in the Catskills are the stinging nettles and blackberry thorns, but they will not yet be full height by late spring. So they should not be too bad for you. They are mainly problems on off trail bushwhacks and on less frequently used / overgrown trails in mid to late summer. Wise Catskill hikers will avoid short pants and short sleeves in such areas at that time of the year.
Catskills Bug season

well- here's my two cents (and worth every penny)....

Black flies and mosquitoes are out during your time frame and they can be very annoying. They don't seem to like sunblock and since I don't like to burn this works out to be pretty good for me.

Here's some good news

Black flies are dormant at night, I've slept with like 100 of the little b#@*%'s in my tent and they don't bit once the sun goes down.

Mosquitoes tend to be more active at night. And during the day. Let's face it, they are not quitters.

Good news is that there is not much deer fly activity in the Catskills. Also, in many trips to the High Peaks area I have only found one wood tick on my person. So there's that.

Just go- and forget about it