Catskill Peak Experiences Book is available!

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Tom Rankin

Well-known member
Sep 28, 2004
Reaction score
Bloomville, New York
(Carol will be doing a book signing, 4/12, at the Catskill 3500 Club Dinner, so that makes this an event! :D )

Another book from Carol White is out. This book is a collection of 101 stories (I guess they missed one! :D ) from Catskill hikers. It's arranged into sections such as Wildlife Encounters, Misadventures, Marathon hikes, Winter Hiking, etc.

So far, it's been quite enjoyable, but I'm glad I wasn't on some of the hikes! :eek:

There are quite a few authors that readers here may recognize, including members themselves:

Laurie (nee Baker) Rankin
Betty and Larry Baker - Guess who? :D
Tom Rankin
John Swanson
Ralph Ryndak
Mark Schaefer
Dean MacG
Ted Ripley-Duggan
Dr. Mike Kudish
Manuel Perazza

And several other Catskill notables... has it in stock. (As far as I know, none of the authors were paid).
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Don't forget Anthony Versandi (aka RockySummit) :)

I read a couple snippets while at Hermit's place saturday night, looks really nice and will pick up a signed copy at the 3500 club dinner this weekend for myself.

two thumbs up!
