Catskills 3500 dinner..

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Jay H

New member
Sep 8, 2003
Reaction score
Pittsfield, MA
For those interested but might not have seen the thread here we are in the process of setting up table#2 for the event so if you haven't seen the link before, here's your chance...

Lots of winter finishers this year! Should be a rousing event.

I'm in

Hey Jay,

I'm interested in going to the dinner, can I get a spot at one of the tables? also, anyone know where I can get a tally sheet to fill out? Never sent mine in from last year and now it's gone missing, can't seem to find the weblink to print out a new one...
Hey Josef, yes, you can certainly get a seat for you and Sarah if you want... I think the consensus is to just fill out the form and put down VFTT Table#2, because HikeThe115 (aka Dawn) is the seating coordinator for the 3500 group so she is painfully familiar with most of us nutcases. ;)

I put down the names because Tom Rankin had them listed but Table#2 is in the process of being formed.... You can register for forums, it has it's own Catskills section...
