Catskills -Friedel property

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Dec 22, 2004
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Home-West Shokan N.Y.Avatar 35x12 Catskill grid pa
Buzz Friedel called me and asked that I post here and elsewhere that his property is now closed to hikers. This area is off Moonhaw rd. and accesses Friday Mtn. and Balsam Cap. There is however a state land access pt.1/2 mile up the rd.There were some abuses on that land- dogs running loose attacking a neighbors pet,people walking near the cabin in the sky. The bridge also needs some repair. I hate to be the bearer of bad news , but he asked that I do this for him. Can someone please post this on the Catskill 3500 club yahoo forum,I am not a member.
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That's all it takes, just an incident or two to destroy a prized private land access for all. There's a lot of privately owned land in the Catskills, especially in the western mountainous area. If one owner turns you down, just ask another just down the road. On average, of ten requests, we found (8) that would grant permission to climbers, one would be concerned about liability, and the other because the privilege was abused, as is the case here.
While Buzz was reading my post yesterday, he called me back and said 9 hikers from Pa. were walking down his driveway. Nelson Shultis who owned many acres in Moonhaw for years before his death had a very good rapport with the original 3500 club founders. I think Buzz, in earnest, wanted to keep it going , but it seems like that would be impossible.I never remembered Nelson talk about any problems with the 3500 club passing through his property,and I don't think it's the club causing the problems.Hike leaders with the club know the rules and the way around.Let's hope the Gould property doesn't have this type of situation.
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