Cave Dog's 50/50 NYS Finish Coming Up

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Well-known member
Sep 5, 2003
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H: Allegany County, NY A: The Brothers
I thought I'd put out a reminder that Cave Dog Ted Keizer will be finishing up his country wide 50KM/50 State challange in the ADK's on Monday, Nov. 28th. Here he will recreate the 14 peaks in a day that Robert Marshall did in 1932. If you are unaware, Cave Dog set a record for the fastest ascent of the ADK 46 High Peaks back in 2002, and has joined us at VFFT Gathering of Northeast Hikers in the past.

Hiking companions and supporters are welcomed by the Dog Team. If you are interested or for general information see Cave Dog's Website

There is some nice sponsorship for this challange and a documentary has been produced. Quoted from his website: scheduled to be aired in three shows on the Outdoor Life Network (OLN), each Wednesday at 5:30 pm, December 7th, 14th, and 21st. It will have another run in January. The documentary is titled "Live Your Passion". It is possible that these dates could change.

Welcome back, Ted. have a good run!!
I will most likely join Cave Dog on the yellow trail just before Little Haystack or the junction just past Little Marcy and if the conditions are favorable for me,I will go through the night to the loj. I will call Ross (Sea Dog) later today to make arrangements for coordinations.Any info. on snow conditions in the High Peaks after this storm goes through will be greatly appreciated.I will probably need snowshoes ,but if I don't have to carry crampons I won't.I have Tubbs Mountain 30's, that have a very aggressive crampon.
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The Finish

New York:
9:00 am, Monday, November 28th.
This route is quite possibly Bob Marshall's most famous route. It covers fourteen of some of the highest peaks in New York. In fact, the route will include eight of the highest ten New York peaks, thirteen of the Adirondack 46 High Peaks. Only the last peak, Mt. Jo, is not considered one of the high peaks. The basic route will take Cave Dog over Big Slide, the Great Range, the McIntyres, and Mt. Jo. This route has some 13,600 feet of gain. Naturally, this route will be complicated by the time of year, less daylight, snow, and ice. It is being touted by some to be humanly impossible to do at this time of year. However, The Dog Team really would like to give it a try. It makes for such a great tie in with our tribute to Bob Marshall, and we are sure that if Bob could be with us today, he would be enthused about the possibility of this last touch of adventure at the end of our journey. That being said, if there is bad weather or anything else that might come up to hinder progress, Cave Dog will have to come down to lower elevations to finish his mileage. This is a remote hike. The best places to catch up with Cave Dog is at the start, The Garden near Keene Valley and the ADK Loj the next morning before and after the last two miles. More details on the finish are below. We feel the most fitting route description is the one by Bob wrote himself: Bob Marshall's New York Route.

How to join The Dog Team for the finish:
In order to make it easier for people to come to the finish, Cave Dog will take a break for the night during his last hike, two miles from the finish at the Adirondack Loj. At 7:00 am on November 29th, people will be gathering at the ADK Loj for a group hike up Mount Jo and back to the ADK Loj. The ADK Loj is just outside of Lake Placid. In order to finish the last hike within twenty four, this hike will be done by 9:00 am, after which it will be time to celebrate the memories of 50 epic hikes in 50 states and the amazing legacy of Bob Marshall.
Hope the snowy weather forecast for the next few days doesn't bury the trails. It looks like snow shoes and maybe crampons will be necessary. :eek:

Solstice Dog
cavedog in vt

anyone know what happened to cavedog and the vt hike.was out on the AT but he was a no-show.did hw skip vt.