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Nothing is easy. :rolleyes: You'll have to take a minute and register to be able to read the story.
Small world.

I hiked with someone in the Dixes recently who climbed Vinson and a couple of the other sevens with her. This was before she summited Everest and he was very concerned after all the avalanche reports. He was very impressed with the young lady, as a climber, but more as a focused, responsible, and generous climbing partner and person. Which is what really counts.

Good for her!
Thanks for the post small do I feel still trying to bag my NH 48.

Anyway, I have a question and I am very sorry if this has been answered previously and apologize for my ignorance on this one....maybe others have been thinking of it too and just not asking.
I know that there have been some sort of political problems with Carstensz but when did the 7 Summits go back to using Kosciusko?

Thanks for any insight and history especially as to how the climber still gets credit for doing the 7 if the list keeps changing this one back and forth.