Chickety & Neighbor on the PCT!

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Sep 5, 2003
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In case folks here don't already know it, Chickety and Neighbor Dave will be starting their thru-hike of the entire PCT on the Mexican border in Campo, California, tomorrow, Saturday, April 19. They arrived safely in San Diego yesterday; their flight was even a half hour early!

Good luck Chickety and Neighbor! You guys rock!! :D
Woot! Way to go, you two! Good luck, be safe, and I hope we'll hear updates along the way...
So that's why I haven't seen them around lately. And I guess I won't visit them along the way this time.
Update #1

By Day #5 (yesterday, 4/23) Chickety and Neighbor were in Julian, 77 miles into the trail, and in great spirits.

Hopefully they got to eat some apple pie. The town is famous for it and has about a half dozen pie shops.

:) :) :)
Glad they made it thru the Anzo-Borego section. That can be hot and dry.

Several years ago, before I moved to CA, I happened to be in Julian in early May, and needed to mail a box home to VT. At the the Post Office I stuck up a conversation with a couple of fellows there who looked like hikers. Turns out they were, and beginning the PCT as well about a week earlier. They had just graduated from Dartmouth, and spend lots of times climbing the Whites in NH.

Small world.
Met up with Chickety 'n Neighbor (and a bunch more PCT'ers) in Agua Dulce on Saturday. They both look great and seem to really be enjoying the adventure. :cool: Agua Dulce is where the Mojave Desert section of the trail begins for northbound thru hikers. It has been HOT inland -- in the upper 90s and low 100s. The forecast calls for a cooling trend as the week progresses but also for high winds and blowing sand and dust. :eek: They're looking forward to the Sierras and a bit of cooling snow! :)

Go Chickety & Neighbor!
Today I was on the PCT, heading back from Mt Jenkins, and encountered several thru hikers (this is about the time they're passing thru the Southern Sierra). One twenty-something couple said they knew Neighbor Dave and Chickety well, and they (Neighbor Dave and Chickety) were only about 2 hours ahead of them.

When I encountered this couple, they were about 7 miles north of Walker Pass, which is located on CA178. Many hikers rest/replenish supplies a few miles north of Jenkins, at Kennedy Meadows.

We're back to seasonal temps here now. A couple of weeks ago we had a heat wave, followed by cold weather (it snowed in the mountains last weekend) but things are back to normal.

Also ran into a fellow from Clifton Springs (near Sarataga Springs, NY) and showed him the use path to Jenkins. He was out here helping his daughter get setup in an apartment. Anyway, it was good to swap stories about hiking the ADK's with him. Small world.

Neighbor and Chickety here!
Signed in because Vizor and Super said Kevin Rooney was looking for us on the trail 2 days ago! What a small world it is! They are here with us now at Kennedy Meadows and there is computer access here! Wow! It's been a great hike so far, 702.8 miles in and leaving for the High Sierras in the morning! A small forest fire about 6 miles from here, but we'll get fire crew escort through the burn area (nice)!! 2 rattlesnakes and 1 tarantula and that's about it for desert creatures. Lots of great people and beautiful sights about to get alot more beautiful! :) Showered, clean and ready to go for the next stretch.

we've been hiking with Chief Chi-hua-hua since the begining and he's got lots of great photos (we haven't even had time to see them all yet)

If you are super interested in this walk

See you on the other side of the Sierras!!

ps - special required equipment, 1 hiking chickety ;)

pps - Kevin - sorry we missed you, thanks for thinking of us and your timing was amazing! Simply amazing! We are at Kennedy Meadows for the night...... :)
They finished !!

Big congrats to two wonderful friends. :)
I spent about 40 minutes looking at all 605 photos in that album and I'm quite happy about that. The further towards the end the better they got. Might be the best total album I have ever seen. :)
Cool! Missed you two. Can't wait for you to help me bag my few winter bushwhacks I have left...and especially can't wait to hear all about your trip.