Chocorua pictures

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Sep 3, 2003
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Some of you may know it by now, I also write in an outdoor magazine based in Montreal, and I just wrote a paper concerning a Chocorua climb in fall. The problem is that I only have winter pictures on my own :( .

So I wonder, do somebody here has a good quality picture taken on or near Chocorua's summit in any season except winter that he would like to share? This picture would be published in the september's issue of this free magazine (Espaces, with, of course, your name in the credits. The best would be a picture taken on the summit rock with hiker(s) in action that are NOT looking at the camera.

Many thanks! You can PM me.
I've got one I really like a lot, taken just below the summit, but can't figure out how to attach it from my pc's hard drive. Any suggestions?
Artex, I really like the first one! I just sent en email to my editor to show her the pic. I'll contact you by PM if she wants it.

Ellen, I PM'd you.

Don't stop posting yet, I still have a few days to find the right pic :)

Most or all of the people who submitted Chocorua photos to this gallery are still active on that site (and most of them are active here on VFTT too), you might try sending a private message if you find one you really like. (There are a couple I think are great. One of mine is there too, but it's not in that category.)

PS si j'ai bien compris, la revue Espace est normalement gratuite, mais on peut s'abonner pour recevoir les 6 numeros chez soi pour CD$18? CD$3 (US$2.66) en frais d'envoi par numero! Les facteurs doivent etre rudement bien paye's au Canada... (bon, si c'est vrai que "neither *snow* nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers", c'est peut-etre necessaire!)
nartreb said:
One of mine is there too, but it's not in that category.

One of yours is great (the summit block's one)!

nartreb said:
PS si j'ai bien compris, la revue Espace est normalement gratuite, mais on peut s'abonner pour recevoir les 6 numeros chez soi pour CD$18? CD$3 (US$2.66) en frais d'envoi par numero! Les facteurs doivent etre rudement bien paye's au Canada...

If you pick up the issue in the stands, it's free. You only pay if you want to get it sent directly at your home by mail. I don't kow why the 18$ (handling, perhaps?), but I know it's mainly aimed to institutional subscribers.

En passant, ton français est excellent! Où l'as-tu appris?
Tried to pm you an image, but could not attach, so I'll attach a shot from yesterday. Can email a large file if desired.
Thanks to all, a lot of great pictures were sent (I kept them all for my own viewing pleasure :)) .

Here is the one my editor chose, for those interested.
Chocorua is New Hampshire's White Mountains, south of the Kancamagus Highway. As you can see from Artex's photos, there is an excellent view of Mount Washington to the north.
Thanks Bob,

The closest I came to Mt. Washington was a drive by I did on the way to my horneymoon back in 1985.

I mainly hike in the adirondacks and when time permits (when the kids leave home) I will expand my hiking horizons.