Cinco de Paddle, Concord River 5/5

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Active member
Apr 14, 2005
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Acton Massachusetts Avatar : Baxter Peak
Hey there,
I was thinking about dusting-off the Yak and doing some paddleling.
April, is my big month for yaking, and time is running out before the bugs set in.

I was originally thinking the Concord River. Either in Bedford ( rt 4 ) or Concord ( lowell rd./ old calf pasture )

Dates are also open for the 6 -7-8th. depending on weather.
What say you?
Interested as well, if canoes are welcome. The 7th/8th dates are better, but the 6th could work.
No Cinco

Hey there,
Turns out the 5th would be tough for me too. The 6,7 & 8th, are a go,though.
I don't care which day. Just need to get out.
Also, location does'nt matter too much. ( just somewhere in the vacinity )
It would be nice to get on the water by 6.

Maybe it would be a good idea to wait until friday and check the weather before we lock & load.

Canoes, more than welcome. Gimp's too! :D

I may set up a virtual paddler, for those who wish they could be there.
What time do you have in mind? Did someone suggest 6 ... AM or PM?

I am interested depending upon what day and time. Being retired I can do it anytime but would prefer a longer day paddle than a short evening paddle. The Sudbury River from Wayland to Concord is a trip through a relatively undeveloped area which I've scouted (for put ins) but never paddled.
I'll see if I can go.

I'll try and go if possible, but I'm suffering under a work deadline.
Wednesday May 7th works, but 5pm might be difficult due to a 3:45 doctor's appointment. Should easily be there by 5:15 to 5:30, though. Thanks.
I'm looking good for most any afternoon/eve next week..

Stan, if you want to do a longer day trip on the Sudbury...I could be tempted... esp. tue or wed
How about meet at 5-5:15 Depart at 5:30 ?
Paddle up-stream first so late arrivals know which way to go to catch up.
Departing at 5:30 would still allow about 3 hrs. of light, before we would have to don headlamps.
I can't go.

Still under a pile of work. Have fun. I will try and hook up with you folks some other time soon.

MarshalM, Stev-o, and I met at the Rte 225 put-in around 5:30, unloaded the boats and headed S. on the river. There was virtually no wind, temps were pleasant, and the bugs weren't bad. The water high enough that we were able to boat into the trees out over the bank in one place*. We continued ~2.5 mi until we were alongside the levees of the Great Meadows Wildlife reserve in Concord. Time was moving on and we turned back. The water was glassy and we were treated to some very pretty lighting as the sun set behind us. It got a bit buggy at last light back at the take-out, but all survived after making modest donations.

We saw a possible blue heron, a possible cormorant, redwing blackbirds, several beavers, and some unidentified who-know-what-they-weres.

* There was no current here--boating into the trees can be very dangerous if there is current.

DougPaul said:
MarshalM, Stev-o, and I met at the Rte 225 put-in around 5:30, unloaded the boats and headed S. on the river. There was virtually no wind, temps were pleasant, and the bugs weren't bad. The water high enough that we were able to boat into the trees out over the bank in one place*. We continued ~2.5 mi until we were alongside the levees of the Great Meadows Wildlife reserve in Concord. .

We saw a possible blue heron, a possible cormorant, redwing blackbirds, several beavers, and some unidentified who-know-what-they-weres.


Sounds like a great time and what beautiful weather we are having this week. Maybe next time one of these gets planned I'll rent a kayak from Acton EMS and join you!
Thanks to Stev-o for organizing the event and to DougPaul for the fine write-up of the evening's paddle. The warm temperature and lack of a headwind made for some very pleasant flatwater paddling on a pretty stretch of river.

Its always good meeting new paddlers and VFTT posters. Well worth the drive out from central MA.
